Athena & Arlo July 2019

This month my darling offspring have seemed closer than ever, and I think this summer is going to be a lot of them ganging up on me in order to try and get their own way. There have still been squabbles and tale-telling (should that be tell-taling? My brain is mush right now) but generally they’re being pretty nice to each other. Athena has been telling Arlo what school will be like when he starts in september too.

Athena and arlo july 19 Athena and arlo july 19

These photos were taken yesterday when we were strolling alongside the river in Shoreham, before a quick park trip- where three huge military helicopters flew in from the channel right above our heads!
shoreham houseboat
There are some very cool ‘house boats’ along here, one was for sale and when we looked it up we all agreed we’d be happy to live on it despite the fact it is valued at more than our own home! Some are available to rent on air bnb too, if you fancy a few nights on a boat that won’t go anywhere!

shoreham house boats

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