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si enim dimiseritis hominibus peccata eorum dimittet et vobis Pater vester caelestis delicta vestra
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beati qui persecutionem patiuntur propter iustitiam quoniam ipsorum est regnum caelorum
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si enim dimiseritis hominibus peccata eorum dimittet et vobis Pater vester caelestis delicta vestra
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neque accendunt lucernam et ponunt eam sub modio sed super candelabrum ut luceat omnibus qui in domo sunt. sic luceat lux vestra coram hominibus ut videant vestra bona opera et glorificent Patrem vestrum qui in caelis est.
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Collaborative post When it comes to finding a place to stay in London, there’s no shortage of options. However, for families and travellers seeking something beyond the ordinary, themed accommodations…
Lash lift and brow lamination kits are a convenient solution for professionals and enthusiasts. Discover the process and the benefits of this beauty procedure.
Collaborative post. A split is one of the most difficult options to make, and it’s normal to doubt yourself afterwards. Regret following a breakup is not uncommon, especially if you…
Collaborative post Experiencing grief during the new year can be particularly tough. Memorial jewellery is a popular gift choice that could help individuals to process their grief. It’s also a…
Collaborative post. The Joys and Challenges of Car Ownership. Owning a car offers numerous benefits, including convenience, mobility, and a feeling of independence. However, these benefits come with equally numerous costs—fuel,…
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ut sitis filii Patris vestri qui in caelis est qui solem suum oriri facit super bonos et malos et pluit super iustos et iniustos
si enim diligatis eos qui vos diligunt quam mercedem habebitis nonne et publicani hoc faciunt