Time flies by so fast, and before you know it, your kids are preparing to go to university. It can feel scary to send them off into the adult world, but there are some steps you can take to prepare them (and you) for their first term.
Get Their Student Accommodation Arranged Nice And Early
There’s nothing more stressful than realising you’ve left the student accommodation too late. As soon as your child has got their place at university, help them look through the campus accommodation, or find where they can stay in town if it’s a city-based university. This also gives you the opportunity to look at prices as student accommodation may or may not be fully covered by student loans.
Visit The Area As A Family
Summer holidays in the UK are very popular at the moment, making a trip to your child’s university town an attractive possibility. Arrange to stay for a weekend and help them to get familiar with their surroundings. If the university is on campus, see if you can arrange a visit, or simply get acquainted with the local area so your child knows what to expect.
Help Equip Them With Basic Life Skills
The big two life skills that come to mind are cooking and washing clothes. If you are lucky enough to have a kid that likes cooking, or you have already taught them to cook, it’s time to pat yourself on the back. If not, teach them the basics like pasta, eggs, or chicken. There are also lots of simple recipes that they can learn online. Teaching them to wash clothes is also an essential part of making sure you’re not washing their items every weekend, or when they come home to visit.
Cover The Financial Basics
University may be the first time you send your child out into the world to manage their own finances. It’s a great time to cover some financial basics like budgeting. Student bank accounts are also a great idea, but be wary of those with big overdraft functionalities. Teaching your kids about handling finances will also be beneficial when they need to make their student loans last all term.
Accept They Aren’t Kids Anymore
They will always be your child, but in reality, when your kid goes to university they are legally an adult. As much as you can prepare them for the realities of the outside world, they will need to learn and make their own mistakes. You may also find as much as you want to help them, they don’t welcome your help. Let them figure it out on their own.
Prepare Yourself For University
You might not realise how hard you find dropping them off in halls until you leave them at university. Sending your child off into the adult world is a significant life event, and you might need to prepare yourself for the emotions that come with letting them go. The main thing to remember is the opportunities and fun that universities provide for their students.
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