5 Key Things to Consider When Getting Home and Contents Insurance

When buying home insurance, price isn’t the only factor to consider. Whether you’re looking to renew your policy or moving into a new property, there are several things to consider when it comes to making sure that your home and its possessions are protected.

The Building:

If you own your home, you will need buildings insurance. The purpose of this is to provide you with financial protection if something terrible happens to your property, like a fire or other kind of damage.

When choosing buildings insurance, you will need to estimate the cost of rebuilding your home. This is usually less than the price that you paid for your home, as it does not include the cost of the land that it sits on.

You can compare home insurance quotes at Quotezone. Simply enter the required details about yourself and your home and you will be able to browse several quotes from UK companies and choose the right one for you.

Home Content:

Start out by determining how much home contents insurance you will need. The best way to do this is to take an inventory room by room. Be careful, as underestimating how much your belongings are worth could lead to you being out of pocket should you have to make a claim in the future.

Accidental Damage:

Typically, a basic buildings insurance policy will cover you for accidental damage e.g. if pipes or drains on your property are damaged by weather, or if somebody crashed a car into your home. This usually also includes any accidental damage to glass or bathroom furniture. If you want more, you can pay to have more accidental damage cover for your property. And damage caused while maintaining, repairing or cleaning your property is usually excluded.

Valuable Items:

If you have any valuable items in your home such as jewellery, cameras or sports equipment, for example, you may want to add valuable items to your insurance cover. Make sure that you get enough to cover the value of it all. You will need to list them individually on your insurance policy by naming them and stating how much they are worth. You can also choose whether they are only to be covered when they are in the home, or whether the cover extends to when you are outside of the home, such as jewellery that you wear. If you have any musical instruments, ensure that these are listed when you set the valuable items cover.

Away from Home Cover:

When getting contents insurance, away from home cover can be handy to have if you take certain personal belongings outside of the home. It is usually available as an add-on and provides cover for possessions like laptops, smartphones and even jewellery and watches when you take them outside of the home. Some insurers also allow children away at college or university to add their possessions to your policy rather than taking out their own while studying.

Whether you own or rent your home, protecting it and the contents inside is important. Keep these factors in mind when taking out home insurance to make sure that you get the right policy for you.

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