Ahh, don’t they look angelic? Well mostly they have been apart from the odd lack of nap induced outburst of emotion. Arlo has had a cold for the last two weeks, including a couple of croupy nights and then a couple of days of a sick bug where he threw up in the buggy twice and once projectile style over me and the living room, whilst walking in a circle, cheers kid. Athena is generally very caring towards him when he is feeling poorly, but can still be a little rough without meaning to.
The photos were taken a couple of weeks ago pre arlo-haircut, in Hove Park. We met up with a friend (and honorary godmother really too) for a stroll and scoot about, an alfresco lunch and a play in the park.
I can’t believe this month we’ve been looking at Schools for Athena ready to do our application for her place, it seems so crazy! Arlo has also gone up to two days at the childminders, and for the first time last week didn’t cry when I dropped him off! He loves it there and settles down really quickly once I’ve gone (I await the happy Arlo photo to come through via whatsapp within a few minutes of me leaving) but it is great to know he didn’t cry at all!, fingers crossed for the same this week! He has also started waking just once or twice overnight, which is making me very happy too as I can get on with things during the evening without having to worry about when he will awaken, but also means I get longer periods of uninterrupted sleep too!

Oh they look so adorable, how stylish is Arlo!! I’m glad they’ve been getting on well! #Siblings
Oh no the sickness does not sound good, it seems to be doing the rounds this time of year. x
Lovely photos 🙂 I’m so so glad he’s sleeping more now! xxx
Such lovely autumn pictures, congrats on the walking!!
That’s fab that Arlo has settled with the childminder well. I’m just starting to settle Q in at nursery and worrying about it all! Love Athena’s DM’s. They look so alike, there’s absolutely no mistaking they’re brother and sister. x
Aww, they are so cute! Little Arlo is adorable is his little white suit. Sounds like fun, I haven’t been to Hove Park in yonks! Polly x