Sunday Scrapbook – Fireworks & Royal Opera House

Welcome back to a Sunday Scrapbook post, there’s been a long break and a distinct failure to keep up these weekly recaps on my behalf! However I do want to get back into the swing of things so here we are! Last Saturday we headed off after swimming to see our first Bonfire procession of the year. Burgess Hill always does their procession and fireworks early as so many villages and towns have to fit their own in before November 5th! It seems it’s a very South East England tradition – more to do with smugglers than bonfire night but basically different bonfire societies and clubs march through the town with torches (fiery ones not battery operated!) chanting, shouting, drumming and all in costume! Plus a big old bonfire and fireworks to end the evening!

We got home around 11pm, then we were up and  about super early the next morning to drive in London. We’d been invited to  visit the Royal Operas House’s Family Sunday – which I shared on my Instagram stories during our day. It  was a really lovely experience and a  great way to introduce some culture to the kids! We watched dancing , went to a singing workshop, a storytelling session, did crafts and had lunch  overlooking Covent Garden!


The week was packed with  work, gymnastics lessons and a day in London for me that was work related, then another trip to Clapham on Friday night as I was staying there with Donna because we were  doing a Tough Mudder the next day! I’ll do a   seperate  post on that though – its an achievement that deserves it!

Today is  very  much a ‘do as little as possible   because I ache all over’ sort of day,  I am spending it with the kids playing and watching films (and trying to read whilst they watch films!)


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