Kids don’t come with a manual

Those who know me personally will probably know that I am not generally one for ‘self help’ or advice style books, being a fairly stubborn and headstrong person I tend to think I know best, or at least try and work things out for myself first. However I was given the opportunity to read ‘Kids don’t come with a Manual – The essential guide to a happy family life’ and thought that with a young toddler and a baby due any week now it could actually be helpful and make my life easier when attempting to deal with the inevitable problems that will arise down the line with two children under two, and beyond! However I am currently having difficulty finding time to actually read it but now I have finished work and have two child free days a week until the new baby arrives I plan to power through it so you can expect a review once I have!

To read more about the book, find out about its authors Carole & Nadim Saad and find out how the book came about visit Best of Parenting site, there is a helpful forum there too plus a link to download their free app!

In the mean time to coincide with the official release which is today,  I have a copy to give away to one of my readers!

Ends: 17/3.


15 thoughts on “Kids don’t come with a manual

  1. Currently it’s knowing how to handle hormones and ‘wanting freedom’ struggles with my teens and Tweens, as well as eating issues with my youngest so need all the help I can get!

  2. Sleeping through was and still is my biggest struggle. I was told to wake my son to feed him after he was born, I had no idea this was going to cause problems for me. He hardly ever slept through until he was about 18mths old. Then the nightmares (night terrors) started. He is 3 now and only rarely sleeps through, and is always up before 7am. I am one tired mama but wouldn’t change it for the world.

  3. I’m currently pregnant – so no, however i’m struggling to sleep an i’m 29 weeks – not looking forward to night feeds – crying etc…

  4. My biggest struggle is currently trying to get my daughter to stop using her dummy. She was 2 in January and I don’t the dummy to impact the shape of her teeth. It is difficult as she screams at night if we do not give it to her, as me and my partner both work, we need to sleep at night.

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