Me & Mine – May 2017

 Me & Mine May17
Gosh this month has been so hard, the first week was okay – it sped by in holiday preparation – filling suitcases, doing an online food shop and planning our stay at Bluestone (here’s our vlog) and then the actual holiday was wonderful! Sadly though the rest of the month has been a bit shit. Arlo got a bad virus just as we got home from holiday, and spent four days not keeping anything down and generally being really poorly. Though he has stopped being sick (thankfully, he’d have wasted away!) he’s still not himself. I even took him to the GP to find out what was wrong with him; not eating much, not sleeping well, really clingy, angry (a  ngrier than normal!) and just a bit of a nightmare. The GP said some kids can take 2 to 3 weeks to fully recover from a virus. Bloody hell I hope he never gets ill again. I am exhausted from early mornings (We’re talking 4.30am plus numerous night time shenanigans) and at my wits end with how to deal with Arlo’s irrational behaviour! I am hoping he is on the mend now because boy do I need some sleep and some time away from him! I don’t even feel bad saying it, though traditional parenting opinions mean I probably should? Anyway thank goodness Athena has been more or less an angel this month!
 Me & Mine May17
We all loved our holiday and it was so nice to spend quality family time together, but sadly time away meant Sam had to pay for it as he was on a week of solid late shifts so we’ve not really had much family time since then! Thankfully yesterday was a Bank Holiday and he wasn’t working (though had a bloody staff party in the evening!) so we spent the day together, and took these photos.
Me & Mine May17
Sam is loving: His new car stereo, and going shooting (at targets not living things)
Athena is loving: her new sandals with ladybirds on them, having Arlo sleep in the same room as her, our holiday house (she means Bluestone) and her moshi monsters
Arlo is loving: His dinosaur that turns into a truck (car bootsale bargain!) and sticklebricks
I am loving: Reading more, treating myself to some new summery clothes, the sunshine!

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