Sunday Scrapbook – Lonely, Beaches & the War.

Hands up who caught the sun this week? We had a couple of blinking gorgeous days on the south coast! I crept out onto the roof a couple of times to bask in the warm rays, we’re not meant to really but the kids weren’t home and I couldn’t resist a peaceful half an hour out there! I managed to not get too sunburnt either, which makes a change for the first sun of the summer!

Arlo has still been a bit of a nightmare as he carries on getting over his virus, but he woke up this morning without gunky eyes so I’m hoping this is the last few days of it! He’s been a nightmare going to the child minders, as we turn the corner into her road he just starts stamping and shouting but does calm down once he’s actually through the door thankfully! I had no idea that it can take so long for a kid to get over a virus!

Anyway I’ve felt a bit lonely this week, Sam has been on late shifts all this week and only had one day off too so we’ve hardly seen each other as he gets back post midnight and then obviously sleeps in late. We did manage to go to our happy place, the local open air museum last Sunday, where they had a history day – it was WWII themed with lots of army vehicles, people dressed up, air raid shelters and so on… it was good fun and the kids loved playing in the trenches and sitting in the planes and tanks etc. It was so interesting to experience, and I’m always keen to get the kids learning about history, even if they just thought it was fun!

On Monday I had a little visit to my friend Harri and her two boys, we took all the kids to the beach to attempt to wear them out a bit! I then had a disastrous lunch date with my two where they basically demanded what they wanted to order (cakes) then didn’t want to eat any of it when it arrived and wanted my cakes. Nu uh kiddos! Stress levels were rising but thankfully they both fell asleep on the way home in the car so I could listen to my audio book for a bit whilst they napped!

On Tuesday I had planned to relaunch this blog under it’s new name with a bit of a celebration but after what happened in Manchester it just didn’t feel right to do so, so instead everything quietly changed over and I saved announcing it properly till Wednesday. I’m super happy with it though and love my new header (the lovely Carrie of One Pleasant Day made it for me!) though I’ve still got a bit of work to do on some old posts and some boring admin stuff but that’s not that exciting!

I get baby cuddles with my friends newborn later today, and we’ve made no plans for tomorrow yet – it’s all weather dependant!

Onto this weeks #LittleLoves


I’ve started the second book in ‘The Gender Game’ series after finishing the first one last week, it’s good and I’m almost finished with it actually! I finished listening to an audio book: ‘You, Me and Other people’ by Fionnuala Kearney. It revolves round the failing marriage of a couple in their forties, why the relationship is breaking up (he had an affair, a second one) and not one but two pretty horrible skeletons in his past. I didn’t actually like the character, though I did feel sorry for a him a few times!


I watched all of Animal Kingdom this week… I literally couldn’t stop watching it! It’s SO GOOD! A little like the sopranos but with a Matriach rather than a Patriach, and boy does Smurf make a good one! guns, drugs and family feuds – I’ts amazing, anyone else watching it? I’ve also watched some Grave & Frankie on Netflix and last night Sam and I watched Boss Baby which was pretty funny!


Music on our new car stereo – Sam bought and installed a new one yesterday and it’s good amazing quality and also plays dvds, which is completely pointless!


A pretty tasty slimming world friendly Veggie sausage and bean casserole in the slow cooker! If I make it again I might share the recipe


Nothing new yet BUT I did do a lot of shopping on Friday morning as I was kid free! H&M Peacocks and Dotty P’s all had 20% off sales so I went a bit mad! But I was desperate for some mum-tum skimming clothes… maybe I’ll do a ‘what I bought’ video?

And Lastly…

I think I have lost my purse. BOO! If you were a purse where would you be?

Happy Bank Holiday weekend folks!


Little Loves Coffee Work Sleep Repeat

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