Thoughts: Returning to work

Today I am returning to work after 13 months of maternity leave. It is going to be super strange to walk back into ‘my’ hotel, my first baby really, and not be the boss. I am 100% happy with the person who is the new me, after all I’ve known him for a long time and he learned how to do the job from me, so I knew right from the start of my maternity leave that my hotel would be in good hands. The major factor in my decision to step down from my position as manager was that I knew he would be given the position permanently. Had it potentially have been someone else I would have made a different choice, either not going back at all to the same hotel, or doing a different job. So, now I am not the manager, I am the ‘area administrator’, a job created for me by my area manager who didn’t want to see me go.

People who were reading this blog at the start of this year might remember my new years resolution post where I said that one of my resolutions was to not go back to work at that job, and to work for myself. I’ve been contemplating this recently, have I failed in my wishes? Well, yes sort of. But actually I am doing the right thing for my family in going back to a steady job with a guaranteed income. I don’t have to work weekends or early or late shifts, and best of all I am not ever going to be on call, with the threat of something serious happening and having to drop everything to rush into work (suicide attempt, fire, gun scare… all of which i’ve had to deal with). I can sleep with my phone on silent over night evermore! If I need more money I can work more hours, if something crops up I can swap my working days around. Best of all I will get to use my brain again, but not have to deal with the ridiculous complaints and daft members of the public that made my job such a chore previously!

Perhaps one day in the future I will leave the hotel, and work for myself. Or perhaps I will step back up to my old position and continue my career once Athena is at school, or even before then? Who knows…?

For now, I am going to put my all into being a working mama, no matter what my title is, and making it work for us, after all it’s just three days a week!

4 thoughts on “Thoughts: Returning to work

  1. Good luck on your first day back. You made the right decision going back to a secure job, at least for the moment while Athena is young, because realistically trying to start a business with a child at home and only you to look after them would be really hard. Also you are obviously valued by the company and are really lucky that they have given you a role that compliments your new family life.


  2. Aw it’s such a hard thought having to think about going back to work. I hope it all goes well for you 🙂 your making the right decision. I have to find a new job when my mat leave ends because we moved during my pregnancy!! x #pbloggers

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