Controlling your family finances begins with knowing all the ins and outs of your bank balance and creating a family budget. Do you know how much you spend on food and utilities every month? I am getting a lot better at it recently, though nobody is perfect! I’ve put together some areas to focus on on easy ways to save a little money here and there, which all helps in the grand scheme of things!

  1. Eat In

You might be able to find great recipes online or at the local library for making fun, healthy meals. Restaurant dining can be expensive, including petrol for transportation, meal costs and waiter tips. You can save a lot of money with a packed lunch too, pinterest is good for ideas of how to make it a bit more exciting!

  1. Home Entertainment

With television, Internet and home movies for rent, families can find so many cheap home entertainment options. Local movie theatre prices – including petrol and buttered popcorn – can add up. Often you can get a free month trial with many subscription services to try before you buy!

  1. Discount codes & vouchers

Many brands, products and shops offer special coupons, discounts and sales. You can save more money by reducing your food bill, so always check for discounts before buying! If you do an online shop you can search by half price, BOGOF and other special discounts, you’re also no tempted to chuck stuff in your trolley willy-nilly!

  1. Buy In Bulk

When you buy in large quantities, you can save money on ‘per unit’ costs. Things like loo roll, washing powder, pasta, rice and bottles of drinks. You can try a cash and carry or most large online retailers do bulk buy discounts.

  1. Share car journeys 

If you are going to the same event, why not see who else is going that you could share a ride with? Most big festivals have a car share group set up to arrange this. What about colleagues? Do you live near to each other and can share a trip in?

If you’re really struggling then quick loans uk might be able to help with a lump sum payment.

5 ways to improve your finances


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