I took these photos at Scotney Castle last weekend when we were camping near by, it was such a gorgeous weekend and the kids were thoroughly enjoying being outside and exploring, more pictures here! The ground of Scotney Castle have two castles, one is more of a stately home and this one which is the ruins of an ancient castle. Guess which one they loved more?
They were a little disconcerted by the overly friendly geese here, but thankfully the geese wandered off when they realised we had no food for them and the kids could jump off the wall and carry on exploring!
They’re still thick as thieves, with the odd argument chucked in to keep us on our toes. Athena has been incredibly supportive of Arlo when he potty trained (in a weekend, thank god! I thought he was going to be in nappies for ever!) and here are a few snippets I heard from her:
“Oh well done Arlo – you’ve done a really good wee!” and “Arlo you’ve got to poo on the toilet then it goes to poo-land and mummy doesn’t have to clean the potty it’s gross”. I think they’ve bonded over their mutual love for using too much loo roll too!
Arlo has finished preschool now for the summer term, and Athena has a week left at school. I’m dreaded keeping them entertained for a long summer but I think somehow we’ll manage it!

oh so cute pictures! Lovely kids!
Love their little coordinating outfits here. So cute. It’s been such a great start to summer hasn’t it? may it long last for us all. #siblingsproject
Haha I love their faces looking at those geese! Bless them x
They’re very brave to go so close the geese. In the second photo that goose looks like it is about to attack. lol Great photos though.