Dirty Little Urchins

Dirty little urchins would be about the best way to describe Athena & Arlo over the weekend. They spent their time hurtling around the campsite, barefooted and feral. Swinging on tire swings, clambering up dusty banks, chasing each other over wooden bridges and generally having as much fun as possible.

Our evenings were spent toasting marshmallows and staying up late…

and obviously making a mess. The bathwater when we got home was a sight for sore eyes after scrubbing these two little urchins clean in it!

But I wouldn’t have it any other way! Roll on Summer…

I’ve only just unpacked from this trip, but I’m off on my travels again today to the Netherlands but this time it’s just me, the kids are staying home with Sam!

Hope everyone else had a great weekend, and if you have kids I hope they got as messy!

One thought on “Dirty Little Urchins

  1. I LOVE how filthy Arlo is, he probably couldn’t have got himself any dirtier if he’d tried!
    Some of my fave childhood memories are from camping – hopefully your two will have very fond memories of these times! x

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