About a week ago I saw a few people using the hashtag #LARoomRefresh on twitter, and followed it back to a competition being hosted on the ‘Tales of Annie Bean’ blog (click her link for the details!) where you can win a £1000 gift voucher from Laura Ashley to revamp one of your rooms- Redecorating a room may unleash your creative side. This can lead to interesting opportunities to make quirky changes. For example, cheap custom neon lights are a personalization that can aid your decoration and give your room flare.
With a baby imminent (it might even be here by the time this post goes live!) and a newly-vacated-by-old-housemate room to furnish, I obviously chose the ‘nursery’! The only furniture we’ve already bought is a cot (yet to be made, but it is purple!) so basically we’re starting from scratch! I spent a good hour or more poring through the Laura Ashley website (not just at the children’s section but the rest of the site too) and picked fairly neutral things as the baby’s gender is still unknown!
Cushions (beach themed because we live in Brighton!) / Rocking Chair / Drawers / Blanket Box / Star Bunting / Blanket / Cuddly Lamb
I know the instructions said to pick two or more items if you’d like, but as you can see I got carried away, and with friends and relatives asking what we might like as gifts for the baby this post can act as a reminder when the times comes!
Here is what the room currently looks like, so anything would be an improvement! (Next to where I am stood is a HUGE pile of plastic boxes full of baby paraphernalia!)
Good luck to everyone else who’s entered too!