I have a slight addiction to lip balm. I have at least 4 on the go at any one time; by the bed, in the living room, in my handbag and in the car as minimum generally! I always seem to have dry lips, even in the summer so need to apply liberally at regular intervals! I thought I’d do a post on my recent favourites in case anyone needed any lip-quenching inspiration!
Burts Bees with Pomegranate Oil: I first bought this as a treat for my hospital bag when I went in to have Athena, this is my second tube. It’s red in colour but only very lightly transfers to your lips, but leaves them feeling smooth and hydrated. I generally hate coloured lip balms but this one is so subtle it’s bearable!
Nivea Sooth and protect: I have been repurchasing this for at least 4 years now, I think it has changed colour to a white tube recently but the scent of this reminds me of going to South Africa as I applied it liberally there as it has an spf of 15.
Bee Good Vanilla & Honey lip balm: Today is ‘Don’t step on a Bee day’ and Bee Good use exclusively British bee ingredients in their products! Not only that but the label on the packaging that this came in was impregnated with wildflower seeds so you can plant it and start your own meadow! The lip balm itself is smooth and silky, and tastes sweet too!
Carmex: Surely everyone will recognise this one, comes in the little tins that you have to use the top of a fingernail to scrape out the last dregs, or in a squeezy tube (far easier!) but this is the only lip balm that can see me through a cold when my lips are really dry. It tingles as you apply it and really helps to soothe chapped and sore lips like nothing else!
What’s your favourite lip balm? The first two above are about to run out so I’ll be off shopping for some more soon!
The Bee Good lip balm was sent for review consideration, all opinions are my own and I think Don’t step on a bee day is a fantastic idea and i’m not being paid to mention it!
I LOVE the idea of the seeds from Bee Good! What a great idea, I would definitely consider buying their products…anything for the bees!