Funny things my four year old says


As this blog is meant to be a ‘scrapbook of our lives’ I thought I should probably start sharing more of the little moments I want to remember so here are five funny things my lovely daughter has said in the past few weeks:

When asked what she wanted for Christmas:

“Well, a yo-yo I think. But also a Cleaning Fairy, because then she can help me tidy up my toys”

I have clearly told her a few too many times that there isn’t a cleaning fairy to help tidy up so she has to help too!

She’s been obsessed with her birthday party, she knows her birthday isn’t till June but daily she asks me random questions about it, this is the latest…

“Can I invite Father Christmas to my birthday party? I think he’d enjoy it, he likes kids”

When I told her I had to go to the loo because I’d been meaning to go for a ages…

“Mummy, you must listen to your body”

As we sat down to dinner one day…

“Mummy I think I need a nunkin to stop me getting dinner on my unicorn”

She meant napkin and uniform of course!

And lastly when we were walking home from school and she had kindly given her scooter to Arlo to use, I told her we had to keep up with him and run a bit to catch up…

“But I don’t have any more run left in me, only walk”

I love the minds of four year olds! What funny things do your kids come out with?




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