In which I have the flu


I wanted to have another weddingy post up now but I have the flu, and this is the first time I’ve turned my laptop on for a few days,and already its made my headache worse so its going right back off again in a minute!  Doctor cant give me anything to help as I am pregnant, and the only thing he could give me would make my IBS worse, which would suck.

In the meantime I have been super-organised and had scheduled my 20 week (half way!!) pregnancy update (with a bump picture) over on The Realistic Mums Club blog today, so you can head on over there if you want a me update.

I am going to attempt to get some more sleep and keep some fluids down, which I am determined to do otherwise my doctor says I’ll need to be admitted to hospital to monitor the baby, and me I guess. Thank god I had the flu jab a few months back or I would really REALLY be ill.

hope you are all healthy and keeping warm!

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