Interiors: We are Scamp


A couple of weeks ago Athena and Arlo received a lovely gift in the post each from the fantastic We Are Scamp! A company developed by two sisters to create wonderful, quirky and cute bits and bobs for children, all personalised and all stylish! You can also get more adult things, like gifts for teachers and adults too, even wedding favours!

Arlo was lucky enough to get a hanging mobile, which hangs just below the rainbow on our nursery wall so he can see it during nappy changes and when we get him dressed in the morning! I love the sentiment behind the words too, it’s never too young to start to dream of big things!


Athenas plaque hangs in the window so she sees it first thing in the morning when we roll up the blinds to look for birds outside, so it’s become part of our morning ritual to touch the A!

Both items are very carefully hand crafted with the words laser cut into thin wood, with no sharp or jagged edges or splinters. These would make PERFECT new baby presents, and at a very reasonable £25 for the mobile you can choose whichever words take your fancy too!IMG_2824

Keep to date with new products and special offers from We Are Scamp on facebook & twitter,


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