I’m resurrecting my Linkography posts, which are a bit of a selection of snaps, a brain dump of thoughts and/or what I’ve been up to and normally some links to other websites/blogs posts etc that took my fancy and I think the world should see! Basically a catch up post… I’ll get on with it shall I?
In the last few weeks I have mostly:
- Been enjoying the colder weather, I bought myself 2 scarves (though neither is woolly!) and have been using the lovely gloves I got in my Milla Grace goody bag, that you can use with touch screen phones! amazing… you can find them on Proporta
- Wasting hours on Netflix. I have shunned pretty much anything made in this century and have mostly been watching naff 80s films that went straight to TV. Oh, and Daria and I also introduced Skye to Heathers and she was shocked at how dark it was!
- Making Christmas presents, well watching my husband make them… not going to reveal anything just yet in case anyone reading gets one!
- Attempting to continue to get back to my pre-baby weight, less snacking and a healthier eating plan. I’ve been nibbling on Protein Bars from Natural Balance foods. Scrumptious and healthy, who knew? The cocoa brownie one is my favourite!
- Buying Washi tape and covering everything with it (tins, jars, bottles, my address book etc etc) and I plan to do a post or 2 on what I’ve covered created.
- Had a lovely facial at Shine and an AMAZING new hair cut and colour (reviews on both to come soon)
- Being amazed at how quickly Athena is growing, and now we’ve started weaning i’m sure she’ll get even bigger! Almost half a year old, INSANE!
- Making a mahoosive carrot cake for the Christening
- Drinking lots of hot drinks (no iconic cup from anywhere so far!) and I plan to do a post on my favourites soon too
- Keeping up with #blogvember, although I’ve not followed any sets of prompts or owt, and been surprised that I’ve found enough to write about! I can’t see blogging daily a regular occurrence but I hope to go back to my old 3 or 4 posts a week!
- Got really REALLY behind on blog reading, I need a day to catch up but I’m not sure when that’s going to happen!
And for the links for your viewing pleasure…
I’m all for dressing my baby up (as you’ll know if you saw my Halloween post) and a few people linked me to this post about an artist making dreamscapes during her baby’s naptimes…
This list of the worlds most scary bridges. I love bridges, I wonder if there is a name for a bridge-lover. This list of 50 amazingly timed photos…
This webpage with ridiculously creepy looking children from vintage adverts, kids advertising cigarettes, can you imagine the uproar now!?
That’s it for this brain dump, but I’ll hopefully do another one soon!
I love those naptime photos; utterly precious! Sounds like a busy but fun few weeks xxx
I’ve been covering everything in Washi tape too! Love these posts, glad you brought them back!
Lyndsay | Fizzy Peaches