Me and Mine June 2019


This month has gone by super fast, the highlight was Athena’s birthday on the 6th, which meant lots of cake! Plus despite there being a fair amount of rain earlier in the month we actually spent a lot of time at the beach this month as well as outside with friends.

Athena loved: turning 6, getting some new toys for her birthday and also getting some new clothes when I found the sale rails in H&M and bagged 5 pairs of leggings, 2 jumpers, 4 t-shirts and 2 dresses for £42! Sports day was rained off so that’s happening in a week or so, but she didn’t seem that fussed to be honest!

Arlo loved: finding out which of his friends will be in the same class at school, and who is teachers will be. He also loved having a ‘mummy and Arlo day’ where I let him bunk off the childminder for a day on Friday and we went to Brighton to meet two little friends for a day at the park and on the beach.

Sam has been running more and more, doing the park-run weekly and a sponsored 10k at the start of the month. He did so well as it was pretty hot too! He’s definitely loving his new job, and is on top of healthy (and cheaper) eating by making himself various meals to take to work each day instead of buying food in Brighton.

You can read more about what I got up to in this months ‘Scrapbook Loves’ post from yesterday.

The two photos below are our pictures from 2017 and 2018 in June, I just thought i’d pop them here to basically see how much the kids have grown!

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