Stuff on a Sunday – More Birthdays and haircuts

I wish I could say this week was jam packed with excitement but I’d be lying if I did so I won’t. It was Sam’s 29th birthday yesterday so that was a nice day, we went out for dinner together in the evening whilst my mum babysat, second time since having Arlo but the first time didn’t count as it as for a works party. We got the train to Hove so neither of us had to drive and had a thoroughly nice time! Earlier in the week I got to catch up with some lovely bloggy pals Lyndsay, Laura, Aine and Holly, I’d been at Lyndsays filming a video and then they all came over for biscuits and chats afterwards which was fun and far better than working which is what I would have been doing! Lyndsay has made me really broody, she’s about to have a baby and even though I don’t really want another one seeing all her neatly folded tiny baby clothes made me a bit nostalgic!

On Friday we had one of Arlo’s little buddies second birthday tea which was lovely, the kids all had a great time getting high on Gruffalo cupcakes and the mums and dads had a celebratory glass of Prosecco too! Earlier in the week Athena had her first play date without me, she went home with a friend from preschool and had dinner with them! Talk about growing up, we’re having the same little friend round here next week too! Talking of growing up Arlo had his second ever hair cut this week, and then at the weekend we decided to give him a mini mohawk and shave the sides! I’ll stick a picture up on instagram at some point, he looks like a little thug!

Yesterday was Sams birthday, he’s 29 now, just one more year of his twenties left! We went out for dinner together, the first time since we had two kids apart from a work Christmas party which was a bit naff and we spent more time talking to other people! It was so nice to not be worrying about which kid was spilling something, or throwing cutlery around! A nice grown up evening,

I treated myself to a new tablet/laptop hybrid thing, an Asus Transformer, it can be a regular tablet but comes with a keyboard attachment thing so that you can use windows 10 on it like a normal laptop with fully functioning versions of Office and photoshop etc. My normal laptop is a chunky 17″ so not too portable, and this is a more handbag friendly 10 inches!
Onto this weeks #LittleLoves:


I’m reading two books at the moment, one about Titanic and the other about a missing kid that comes back. I’ve also been reading a lot more blogs this week which I’ve enjoyed!


Sam and I started watching Santa Clarita Diet on Netflix, it’s awesome in a gross sort of way. Other tan that not a great deal other than the blimming Trolls movie over and over as the kids love it! Athena even knows some of the script we watch it that much!


I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts this week as I’ve been walking to get the kids, or round town on my own… the Answer Me This Podcast is always a firm fave and I’ve been listening to back episodes of the Ctrl Alt Delete podcast with Emma Gannon too.


Again nothing of great interest in terms of physically making something but I did film a video with Lyndsay from Fizzy Peaches blog for her channel, which was really fun! The outtakes will be amusing too I think!


I am having a terrible time of it with bras at the moment. I cannot find a wired bra that is comfortable as all the underwires seem to come up too high under my arms but fit will everywhere else! I got so used to wearing comfy nursing and maternity bras in pregnancy it’s a bit of a shock to go back to structured things! So I treated (HAHA! what a treat) to a couple of fancy sports bras this week, which are a lot comfier, and if I ever decide to start getting fit again I’ll be all set!


We’ve all got colds, and Arlo was sick during the night last night so yay for being a sick and snotty house. Bring on springtime! Here’s a picture of a lovely carrot and salted caramel cake I devoured last week because I am too tired to upload a picture that’s not from isntagram, sorry! Up at 5.30am with a clingy toddler after a night of cocktails does not a happy energetic Sunday make!

3 thoughts on “Stuff on a Sunday – More Birthdays and haircuts

  1. Sorry you’ve been poorly 🙁 Happy Birthday to Sam – 29?! He’s still a baby! I didn’t realise Lyndsey was FizzyPeaches, I only discovered her blog recently and it’s my new blog crush – her photos are beautiful and I’m so excited for her baby announcement! x

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