
Collette from Going on an adventure tagged me in her post reflecting on where she was and what she was doing ten years ago. I had fun trying to remember what happened then, and 10 years ago is a relatively short time. I can only imagine how hard it will be to remember 2004 when I am 60! So this is what my memory came up with…

Ten years ago… I was 20 and working and living (at the end of the year) at a Pub as an assistant manager, doing an NVQ in Hospitality Management. As you would expect I drank a lot of cider, and ate a lot of pub food. Despite this…

Ten years ago… I was a size 10 and was still dancing 2 or 3 times a week (ballet & jazz etc) but I gave it up around this time, sadly!


Ten years ago… I had 1 tattoo, 5/3 ear lobe piercings, a scaffold, a tragus, a nose, a belly button and my tongue pierced.

Ten years ago… I started the year being a raver (hardcore, I met the streets backstage and it got messy) and ended up the year loving indie music and enjoying chilled out gigs. Funny how relationships can change you!

Ten years ago… I started the year going out with one person, and after a not very nice breakup (that I seem to have blocked from memory more or less) I ended it going out with a guy called Ollie. He was from a completely different friendship group and had completely different actions and interests to the previous boyfriend, thank heavens or goodness knows what my life would be like now. We’re still really good friends now, and the relationship ended after 3 years.

Ten years ago… I went on holiday to Sri Lanka. It was magical, we stayed at a really nice resort for a week and the security guards looked aghast when we walked to the nearest little town.We soon realised why as we got swarmed by locals as soon as the gate was shut! But we loved it, and the next week we took a tour around the island and saw some amazing sights, rode elephants and climbed Mount Sigiria (above!)

13-Lozandmother 17-AnicephotoofTravisandLauren

Ten years ago… I used to have awesome and amazing house parties at my mums house, she was very hospitable and used to drive people home/or make them tea and toast if they collapsed in a heap. I had a a few different friendship groups but everyone got on well and I still have a lot of pictures from those days, hence being able to supply some for this post!

Ten years ago… I had a Livejournal online. I tried to log back into it to get some snippets for this post but sadly it has been deleted as I hadn’t signed in for over 2 years!


Where were YOU ten years ago? I tag everyone and anyone!

9 thoughts on “Ten years ago…

  1. Wow your mum sounds very cool and calm, as well as lovely haha! Loved this post, 10 years ago sounds like you were having a great time!

    Sophie x

  2. Oh Lauren, how things have changed! don’t really like to look back, I don’t think much has changed about me at all. Do I take take on the tag? I’m not sure.

  3. Heh! I agree – such a good idea for a post! Thanks for sharing, and your mum, obviously one of the awesome ones!
    Not too sure whether to take on the tag though – I was at school and I don’t think I’ve digested that it will be 10 years in June that I left yet! If I do take on the tag, I’ll let you know.

  4. I love this post! Really made me smile…particularly when you mention music which always takes me to certain times and places. I got married 10 years ago!!! Ahhh, can’t believe I’m that old…post on that one soon. Vicky x

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