The beach in March – Living Arrows

On Monday we went to the beach. In March. If you remember, this time last year it snowed! I’ll let the pictures do the talking, but my favourites are the photos I took of Athena playing with seaweed, which was a great distraction to get her to stop eating stones.
Oddly as I was uploading these photo’s of us 3 days after Athena turned 9 months old, I remembered that we went to the beach on my due date, 9 months ago and thought I’d pop it here for a little comparison!
living arrows

14 thoughts on “The beach in March – Living Arrows

  1. What gorgeous photos. I can’t believe the difference in weather this year, it’s mad isn’t it. I love the look of wonder and intrigue at the seaweed on Athena’s face, so cute!
    P.S This is my first time visiting your blog and I’ll definitely be back! 🙂

  2. Great photos, yes we had snow on my birthday (12 March) for the first time I can ever remember in 50 odd years! But looking forward to a great summer.

  3. Oh look at your bump photo!!! As I haven’t seen any pregnancy photos of you before, can I just say…. In the nicest possible way…. YOU WERE HUGE!!! That is one amazing bump! Love the comparison photos and love Athena’s face – just generally, she has the cutest, squidgyest face ever! x

  4. These are fantastic. What a lovely time all together and great moments to capture. Love them all. Your lil one is absolutely adorable too! 😉 great living arrows post.

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