Wedding Wonders–three months left

So this Saturday marks 12 weeks till the Wedding, the invites (that took bloody hours to hand make!) have been sent and the RSVPs are starting to come back in. I am currently feeling half relaxed, all the big things are done, and until we get all the RSVPs back there’s not much else I can finalise with regards to food/seating plans etc. I am also feeling that I have probably forgotten to even think something really major, but cant think what it is. I hope this is normal behaviour!

I have the hen do to look forward to (three weeks before W-day) and a good few evenings with various friends to look forward to who have volunteered to help with everything, baking, favours, table decoration, bouquet making, hair etc! The one thing that has surprised me and been a great comfort is the sheer amount of help that has been offered from every angle! It genuinely is very touching, and although I have declined much help thus far, I will be more accepting of it the closer the wedding gets, I’m sure!

Things left to do:

  • Devise plan (and recruit friends!) to make puddings/cakes
  • ‘Fun’ things for guests to do – what have you done at a wedding that really meant that you had an awesome time (photobooths/games/anything!)
  • Sort out a guest book
  • finalise table decor (we cant do this till we know final numbers and how many tables/layout (end to end or individual tables)
  • table plan (don’t even get me started! two sets of divorced parents and all the associated hassle)
  • Some kind of coat for me, and a bag!
  • Button holes
  • Make my bouquet
  • Decide what to do for favours (any ideas welcome, but not edible I want people to be able to keep them!)
  • Design and print the order of service booklet
  • Decide first dance song
  • Honeymoon?!

& I’m sure there are lots more but I genuinely cant thing of anything! Is there anything I’ve missed?

I did take some photos of the various different styled invites but I cannot for the life of me find them! so these will have to do!

IMG_3482 IMG_3625

Please help me out with the things I am worrying about above!! the rest of my wedding related posts can be found here

8 thoughts on “Wedding Wonders–three months left

  1. Is it weird that I think this looks EXACTLY like you on the picture?!!
    I can’t believe it’s not so long away at all..Oh Lauren, I can only imagine how you must be feeling, full of nerves with making sure everthing is done! But I’m sure it’ll be beeeeautiful.xx

  2. Your invitations look great! At one of my friends weddings recently they’d put together a little quiz which was left on each table ie. How did the bride and groom meet etc, it was really fun and would be a great icebreaker if you were sat with people you didn’t know. The final question was a song request for the DJ which then all got played that night 🙂

    Caroline x
    Caroline’s Catwalk

  3. I hope you really enjoy your day!

    We had blown up lots of balloons for the children to play with, and left out some bottles of bubbles which they loved too. We also set out some crayons and card with a note asking them to draw us a picture – as a result we have some lovely mementos of the day from the perspective of some rather overexcited under ten year olds! For our first dance we didn’t go traditional at all. Our bridesmaid, a semi-professional singer, sang ‘A Night Like This’ by Cara Emerald for us. The last thing we wanted to do was shuffle round, hanging onto each other’s necks. Just choose a track you like. And ENJOY!!

  4. Ah it’s all so exciting!
    The invites are ah-mazing! So creative too, bet they took so much hard work to get perfect 🙂
    I went to a wedding 2 weeks ago and they have like homemade coasters as favours- so they have bits of tree trunk cut out thin enough and then had all the guests names engraved on them..although one of the ushers made them so I’m not sure how practical they are otherwise. I know that’d be massively stressful doing but maybe something personalised like that? They were really cute and I know they’ll be treasured 🙂

    Also, I do know and love Delirious! I went to their last ever concert of their farewell tour, as well as their London date every year they did a normal tour haha! Following the fish was definitely the best idea!

    Love, Elizabeth xx

  5. Oh wow, your invitations look gorgeous! I bet it’s so lovely seeing things coming together. I have no doubt that your day will be absolutely perfect <3 I think a photobooth set up would be amazing, gather together a little box of props and the results would be amazing! xo

    anyway as I am top dog with weddings :
    Fun things to do should definitely be pride and prejudice themed, like pin the tail on Mr darcy.

    For favours you should give out photos of me because I am fabulous, (or alternatively you could give out seeds for your guests to plant and it’ll always remind them of your special day when they see the flowers all grown! yes this will be the only serious suggestion in my entire post)

    Your first dance should definitely be The bloodhound gang – The bad touch.

    And for your honeymoon we should home swap for the weekend


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