Where’s Your Thinking Spot? 

According to a study, each individual has on average 6,200 thoughts every day. We never stop thinking. But just because our brain is constantly active, it doesn’t mean that we are creative and productive all the time. According to Jordan Poppenk, the Canada Research Chair in cognitive neuroscience, the creation process is complex and constantly moving from a thought to another. As they explore brain plasticity, they also discover how to measure the onset of new thoughts.  Yet, the study doesn’t highlight the difference that your thinking environment makes. The brain never stops, but we seek inspiration and motivation from our surroundings. As such, learning to identify your best thinking spot will also boost your thinking performance. 

What kind of thinking is it?

It’s important to be clear about your thoughts. Daydreaming counts as a thought. Solving maths problems is a thought. Planning what you will cook for dinner is another type of thought. With so many different options, you need to consider what you are trying to achieve. Therefore, a person could have multiple thinking spots depending on what they need at any given time. Passive daydreaming, for instance, is something that would be more suited to comfortable leather recliner sofas in front of the TV. On the other hand, your couch may not be the ideal place to manage a complex client project. As a rule of thumb, active thinking is more effective when your spot promotes the right attitude. Sitting on a chair at a desk is more likely to prepare your brain for productive thinking. 

I need my own space

If you are the kind of person who needs a peaceful space for reflection, you want to make sure your thinking environment is free of distraction. It can be helpful to create a dedicated room inside your home where you can work without being interrupted. Converting the spare bedroom into a home office is one of the option solutions. However, the typical British home doesn’t always come with a spare bedroom. You have different options to design a productive and quiet environment. Tiny homes can benefit from a garden office, which creates a functional room outside of the home. Garden offices tend to be isolated from the household noises, so it’s the ideal spot to be creative at your desk. If you are not keen on working from the garden, it can be useful to consider a loft conversion. Converted under-roof areas can make excellent home offices as they are isolated from the rest of the house. 

I think best surrounded by life

Not everyone enjoys a quiet environment. Working with background noises can be improving your cognitive functions. A small amount of noise can be beneficial for your brain. This is called stochastic resonance and refers to the fact that your sensory signals can be enhanced by surrounding noises. The brain relies on electricity to activate cells. Sensory perceptions also stimulate brain cells, which can improve your overall cognitive performance. The decision-making process is more accurate when the brain cell noise levels are increased. Perhaps, setting your thinking spot in the living room or by the kitchen table could work wonders for you. 

Where do you think best is a question that more people need to ask themselves. We focus too much attention on creating an Instagram-friendly home office without considering how our brain likes to process thoughts. Whether you need a passive or active environment, silence or noises can make a huge difference. 

This is a collaborative post. 

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