13 Reasons to love Camping – Millets Outdoor Explorers

Those of you who have followed me since I first started writing this blog will remember my holidays used to involve things like city breaks to Prague, Frankfurt and Amsterdam, and hotter holidays to Egypt and Cyprus. Now though, our holidays tend to involve a big field, a tent and a campfire. And do you know what? I love it! Camping means we get to explore more places, spend less money and get more trips away. It’s family friendly, relaxed and a perfect way to unwind. This year we’ll be working with Millets as ‘Outdoor Explorers’ and I couldn’t be more excited, we’ve got a trip planned in a couple of weeks to Kent, and we’re also off to a festival for the August bank holiday. We will fit in at least a couple more trips before the end of the year I expect!

We’ll be putting some new camping equipment to the test, sharing our set up and tips for new campers and documenting how we get on here on the blog and with a few videos too!

If you’re not yet a camping convert then here are 13 reasons why people love camping…

  1. Because there is literally nothing better in the world than a cup of tea and bacon roll in a field as the sun rises! daisiesandpie.co.uk
  2. No matter where you are camping you feel you are miles away from home, work and life’s stresses. Camping makes people relax and just enjoy life at a slower pace. thestrawberryfountain.com
  3. Children can play non-electronic games and use their imaginations to amuse themselves. Oh, and a whistling kettle!!! packthepjs.com
  4. Camping can remind you of your childhood, plus you can’t bring a laptop so there’s no work! hibabyblog.co.uk
  5. The joy of being out in the fresh air and practically, the cost. A large family is very expensive to take on holiday in a hotel, but camping costs nowhere near as much. bigfamilyorganisedchaos.com
  6. Camping encourages families to work together to build fires, make food and just get down to nature. motherhooddiaries.com
  7. There’s no schedule to follow when you are camping. You get to eat what you want, wash when you want and go to bed when you want. aboutgettingout.co.uk/
  8. Camping teaches my children about the environment. We learn how to enjoy nature without damaging it. lookingafteryourpennies.com
  9. There’s nothing better than being snuggly in a tent listening to the pitter patter of rain! ricecakesandraisins.co.uk
  10. Camping reminds us that we do not need all the comforts of modern life to enjoy ourselves and one another. mummywishes.com
  11. Camping helps to recharge your batteries, and gets you ready to face the world again. mymummyspennies.com
  12. The breeze, warmth and light flooding in to the living space is unique, not like being at home or a hotel. falcondalelife.com
  13. “Children cannot bounce off the walls if you take the walls away…”  earthbasedfun.com

Hopefully those reasons gathered from other camping loving families will show you how wonderful a camping trip can be! So if you’re thinking that actually spending the nights sleeping in the great outdoors isn’t so bad then perhaps you might want to try it for the first time on the Wild Night Out,  which is the UK’s National Day of Adventure. Get together with family, friends and groups to get together, to explore the outdoors and take part in fun activities between Saturday 30th June and Sunday 1st July. Perhaps pitch a tent in your garden, find some woods to explore and build a den …the possibilities are endless!

So watch this space, and we’ll be sharing our camping stories with you soon!

14 thoughts on “13 Reasons to love Camping – Millets Outdoor Explorers

  1. Yes, yes, yes all these reasons and more. We absolutely love camping, we have been four times already this year and I have another four already booked for the Summer with space for a few more. It’s such a lovely way to spend family time xx

  2. Love camping haven’t had the confidence to go with the little one yet he’s only two but we hope to go to a festival next year so that’ll be trial by fire! Agree with all the advice above! Sausage butty made over the fire is another one I’m particularly partial to ?

  3. This is so lovely! We’re a family of outdoor lovers but have never been camping – for shame! I love the reasons everyone gave as to why they love camping and I look forward to reading more about your outdoor adventures with Millets 🙂

  4. Part of me REALLY wants to go camping. And then part of me doesn’t want to have to buy and store everything! We might get the urge one day and just do it – I love how much your family love camping though x

  5. Camping for me is all about childhood. I think if you have never been camping before in your life then something is deeply missing. I love camping when I was a child. We’ve only been camping one and my kids just love it and they can’t wait to go again soon! 🙂 x p.s. I haven’t heard of Wild Night Out yet – must go and check it out!

  6. Without a connection to the web – possibly without electricity full stop – camping provides the perfect opportunity for families to reconnect without the usual distractions. They’ll eat together, play together, sleep huddled up together and create some wonderful, long-lasting memories.

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