#Dinefor10 at The Courtyard


Although I had a birthday dinner planned for Saturday night I wanted to have lunch with Sam and Athena on my actual birthday.  The Argus are currently running their amazing dine for £10 offer, so we had a browse through the booklet and picked Coast, I called and asked to book a table for 2 and a high chair, was told that we wouldn’t need to just come along! When we got there on Friday we asked for a high chair when we arrived but were told they don’t do them! If you’ve ever tried to eat anything with a baby on your lap you’ll know how hard it is, so we left! I was tempted to sit her on the bench seat so she could smear her lunch over their cushions but thought better of it! Instead we headed to The Courtyard just along from the Theatre Royal which was our second choice.

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Creepy granny on a chair in the background // Trees growing from tables

The menu that we were able to choose from with the vouchers is their regular set menu plus a glass of wine. The decor inside is lovely, with a (faux) tree growing out of one of the tables and covered in fairy lights, although there was a questionable stuffed granny sat on a chair which was a little odd! We had a lovely waitress who was attentive without being overbearing, and who thanked us for cleaning up all the bits of food that Athena had dropped on the floor (seriously, what parent wouldn’t do this?!)


Ham Hock Terrine // Bread & Olives


Chicken Paillard with hand cut chips

We shared two starters, but both had the chicken dish above, which was delicious (although I lost most of my Olives to the baby!) The house wine tasted absolutely fine, and we also added garlic bread which was freshly cooked and on ciabatta bread. We’d definitely return, and I think it would be a great pre/post theatre option too.


In case you’re not aware of the Argus Dine for £10 offer then take a look at the website here, choose one of the restaurants (more favourites of mine are Indian Summer and Yum Yum Ninjas so I’ll hopefully be visiting both before the offer ends!) and take along a voucher for each diner. You can get vouchers from copies of The Argus every day till feb 7th, then every Friday after that until the end of the month. There is a sneaky voucher online here to print too, and there is one in the offer booklet, which is where mine came from! The offer runs till March 1st so plenty of time to visit! If, like me you like to take snaps of your food then use the hashtag #Dinefor10 so that I can stalk what you ate!

3 thoughts on “#Dinefor10 at The Courtyard

  1. Other than the creepy granny this looks like my kinda place! Hoping to visit Brighton soon so will be asking you for all your recommendations on things to do and where to eat! xx

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