Alternative uses for Muslins

One of the not as obvious reasons that having a new baby is ace is the fact that you’ll have muslins to hand at all times. Now everyone knows the more normal uses for them: burp cloth,mopping up baby sick, make-shift bibs and light blankets but there are plenty more uses!

In the last five weeks this is what else I’ve used my Muslins for:

  • To catch Athenas runny nose & to blow mine when out and about without tissues
  • To drape over feeding/sleeping baby to stop the crumbs from my biscuits going in his ears or the Chinese takeaway I’m scoffing from falling and staining his clothes
  • On the same vein… as a napkin to wipe my fingers and face when eating, and Athenas, and Sam’s!
  • Popped on the seat of the car seat/baby bouncer to stop poonamis from staining the fabric and needing to be washed
  • In the carry cot/crib under where Arlo’s head rests to catch any milk spit up. That way you just change the muslin and not the sheet each time
  • To cover up when breastfeeding in public if I’m wearing a button up blouse and don’t want to flash too much boob. I tuck one corner into my bra strap on my shoulder and it stays put
  • Between Arlo’s head and my elbow crook when feeding to avoid us getting hot and stuck together
  • To dry off swings/slides etc when we visited the park after a rainfall!
  • Similar to the above when I have Arlo in the sling I fold a muslin and place it between his head and my chest to avoid us slipping about in a sweaty mess.
  • On top of the plastic covered changing mat so it’s not so cold on little baby bum cheeks

In the future I plan to use them:

  • Frozen as a teether (worked really well for Athena!)
  • As a hat when I stupidly forgot to pack one for a little person (think old guy on the beach with the corners knotted)
  • To contain clothes that are dirty/pooped on when I don’t have a plastic bag to put them in!
  • Rolled up to keep baby more supported at the sides in his buggy/crib/bouncer
  • Playing Peek a Boo, perfect for ongoing entertainment on long train journeys (I speak from experience!)
  • As flannels when you stay away in a hotel and forget to bring one (again, speaking from experience)
  • As a picnic blanket for cuddly toys
  • Dusting and Polishing (when no longer needed for baby uses!)
  • Cut into smaller squares as facial wash clothes sd they’re perfect to use with exfoliators!

The prettiest and softest muslins in my collection are also the largest, and are from Babymoov! They come in a few different designs, I chose ‘Dream’ with colourful feathers and dream catchers on, and also ‘Rock’ with music notes and guitars splattered all over!

The are so much softer than their counterparts (my others are from Boots and various supermarkets and feel a bit rough to the touch) but these get even softer after washing, don’t shrink in size like the others do and even have a hanging loop for easy drying/storage!

The gift set comes with one large (80x80cm) and two smaller (60x60cm) in a lovely box which would be perfect as a new baby gift! The set of three only costs £20, which is a great price for three high quality, larger than average muslins, one that’s blanket sized! Plus you get Babymoovs lifetime guarantee!


We are testing out various products from Babymoov this year, here’s my intro post to find out more!

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