An outfit and a new Obaby zezu Pram

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Blouse: Miss Selfridge. Skirt: Primark. Flats: New look. Necklace: Freedom @ Topshop

I look a bit wonky in the picture, and also I don’t think I look much like me, but it was the best of a bad bunch so ce la vie! This was an outfit from the weekend before last, when we made a trek up to Croydon for a new pram, and another little ikea trek (three times in two weeks, insane but necessary after a house move!) I love the colour of the blouse, it is slightly more raspberry coloured in real life, and the lace detailing is so pretty. However before I even wore it one of the buttons came off, and another one is really loose. It bugs me how cheaply things are put together these days, but it was in the sale so I’m less annoyed than if I had paid full price!

The buggy we went for was an ‘obaby zezu multi’ travel system thing. It wasn’t what we thought we wanted (folds easily without taking things off it) but it was a decent price (plus our mums paid for it for us!) and the car seat is way lighter than our old one and the whole shebang fits in the boot. I wanted it in purple but alas, Sam’s argument for black won. The inside of the hood and the rain cover are spotty, and it should last until she’s old enough to walk! However I reckon we’ll get a more lightweight stroller when she’s bigger, down the line! Sam got excited about the fact you can buy a second seat for a second child and attach it easily… I told him he was getting WELL ahead of himself.

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This is it in pram-mode, it does some fancy-schmancy magical changing thing and turns into a seat for when she’s older too, and I like the fact that the seat can be forward facing, or face me. Lots that we really liked didn’t do that, plus the handle on this one adjusts so that I can push it easily at 5’2” and Sam can push it at 6’6” without stooping. The wheel base is wider than the old (mamas and papas) pram, so I’m currently still getting stuck going through doors, but other than that it’s way smoother and more user-friendly (I can push this one with one hand!) All the fabric bits are washable, which is a bonus, especially as the cot-liner is white! (You can view a full review on my blog here)

I didn’t start this post meaning to review the pram, but hey, it’s done! I’m trying to get back into the swing of blogging more regularly, and I kind of like the idea of doing a more regular schedule, aiming for three posts a week, one lifestyley/updatey/foodie, one fashion/style-y and a baby-related one. We’ll see how it goes! Does anyone else impose a strictish schedule for their blogging? and if so, how do you keep to it?!

4 thoughts on “An outfit and a new Obaby zezu Pram

  1. I love your blouse. I’m had a brief look at prams and there’s just too much information! I think I’m going to struggle because I have a fiat 500 with a tiny boot and I’d rather not swap it for something else. X

  2. Lovely outfit the colour is really pretty, your hair also looks gorgeous!

    I don’t know much about prams but it looks pretty awesome! I love the spotty interior (haha I would be useless at pram shopping!!) xx

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