Arlo at 8 weeks & #WhatMyKidDid June


Arlo is going to be 9 weeks old tomorrow, insane! Here’s what’s been happening with him! [here’s his last update at 4 weeks]

Sleeping: Not very much! we’ve now had a couple of stints of 4 hours but normally a maximum of three! He sleeps best when he’s being held or in the sling and in the last week or so and since his jabs last week he’s been a bit under the weather, and has been bringing up feeds more often than now! This has meant a lot of outfit changes for both he and I!

This is his ‘I spy the milk machine’ face!

Doing: In the last four weeks Arlo has become much more aware of us, and we’re getting smiles and coos and all sorts of funny noises! His sister and other children seem to make him smile the most, as does seeing the boob in the middle of the night for a feed! He’s holding his head up now and is a lot happier to be left in his swing or on his playmat for longer periods.

Feeding: Breastfeeding, lots! I don’t remember Athena feeding anywhere near this much but I’m sure she did but as I just had her we spent a lot of time on the sofa so the three hour long feeds didn’t seem so long when I didn’t have to keep a toddler entertained too! Arlo has however taken after his sister and only does one poop a week, so when it arrives it really arrives! He tends to be fractious for the whole day and then conks out once it’s arrived!IMG_2507

Size: He was very nearly 13lb when we had him weighed at 7 weeks. He’s getting rolls on his thighs and multiple chins! He’s in 0-3 month clothes but a few of those are a little tight round the waist and things with feet are getting too short! He’s definitely too big for Teenyfit cloth nappies now!


So last month I toyed with starting a linky for capturing and sharing any child related updates, be they weekly, monthly or more and any letters to your children, and any other post celebrating a milestone that’s been achieved! A few people linked up so I’ve decided to make it a bit more organised! It will be live on the 1st of the month for two weeks, so you can link up a post that’s already live and relevant from the last month or for the first two weeks of the month.

How it works:

  • Posts recording your childs milestones or achievements, monthly or weekly updates and any letters that you write to your children are all allowed!
  • Please leave a comment on the hosts post (I may be roping in guest co-hosts in the future!) and it would be lovely if you could follow me on twitter & instagram if you have them!
  • Please try and visit a few other posts from the link up, sharing is caring!
  • I will visit and share every post linked up on social media! If you share using the hashtag #WhatMyKidDid then I’ll RT those too!
  • There is a badge for to pop that on your post/list of linkys that you join in with, or a text link is fine too!
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9 thoughts on “Arlo at 8 weeks & #WhatMyKidDid June

  1. Arlo is absolutely adorable & what a gorgeous, original name you chose! I love the #WhatMyKidDid linky idea & will try to link up each time I write an update for Oscar. Good work 🙂 xx

  2. Arlo is doing so well! It is scary how fast it goes, so crazy! That cheeky little grin of his is mega cute 🙂
    I love reading about other babies milestones and what they have been up to so have joined in with this linky and will read all of the other blogs now.

  3. love this linky idea! Also that checked romper is adorable (as is Arlo!) Miles had a full length checked romper when he was a similar age, there’s something ever so sweet about checked prints on baby boys

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