In August I…

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  • Read a lot of books, and I am now 3 books ahead of my target of 50 for the year, hurrah! I reviewed a few here if you’re interested
  • Spent a lot of time coughing and being generally not very well.
  • But that meant I watched a LOT of Nashville, I’m almost at the end of of season two and am loving it. I spend my commutes watching that instead of blogging, whoops.
  • Enjoyed lots of home cooked meals by Sam, who seems to love playing chef at the moment. I am not complaining at all… now if I can only get him to hoover…
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  • Have pretty much settled into being back a work and a new weekly routine, 3 days at work, 4 days off. It’s nice to be around adults during the day, although my workload is a bit light so often I get a little bored.
  • Spent a weekend in Norfolk for a family wedding
  • Spent a day with Fisher Price in London learning about their new campaign, #DiscoverYourWay

New mum and reality TV star, Billie Faiers and her one month old baby daughter Nelly meet with mums and children to help launch the ‘Discover Your Way’ play campaign from Fisher-Price in central London.</p><br />
<p>Byline John Nguyen/JNVisuals<br /><br />

New mum and reality TV star, Billie Faiers and her one month old baby daughter Nelly meet with mums and children to help launch the ‘Discover Your Way’ play campaign from Fisher-Price in central London.</p><br />
<p>Byline John Nguyen/JNVisuals<br /><br />

  • Was gobsmacked at how quickly Athena is learning new things (and growing, she needs new shoes already!)
  • Am ever thankful for a baby that sleeps well, even though she has a horrible cough and needs an inhaler before bed until it clears up. She coughs in her sleep, which is horrible but she is her normal happy self! (I wrote about her sleeping here)
  • Watched the film ‘Neighbours’. I found it hilarious even though I don’t normally like things like that!
  • Lost my blogging mojo a little, I think it might be creeping back though!


Now I’m up to date with Nashville I need some suggestions for something else to watch, what do you recommend? And please leave me any of your August round up posts in the comments!

[oh, and I have linked up to Hannahs ‘the week that was…’ only my post covers 4 weeks because I can never get my bottom in gear to do a weekly post, and they wouldn’t be very interesting anyway…]

7 thoughts on “In august I

  1. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone so happy to be buried in sand! Sorry to hear you’ve been ill- I hope you’re feeling better! Could you do a bit of sneaky blogging during your quiet times at work?

    Have you ever watched Archer? That’s on Netflix and it’s hilarious! xxx

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