Breastfeeding: Thrupenny bits nursing pillows

Breastfeeding means you get to sit and relax (hopefully!) with your baby, but it’s not always easy finding a comfortable position, and sometimes you need your hands free too, for tea drinking/biscuit eating/toddler book reading to name but a few! A couple of weeks ago I was sent this pretty gorgeous nursing pillow from Thrupenny Bits. Their pillows:

  • contour to the body
  • have ties for a close fit and to use to carry
  • are made of fully washable materials
  • have interchangeable covers
  • have a long zip so are easy to wash/change
  • come in two sizes
  • can be used as a bag
  • allows for hands free feeding

The pillows have been cleverly designed so that they can be used as a bag when you no longer need them as a feeding-aide, and they’re so light and easy to carry that you can take them out with you which means no more searching around for chairs with arms when you’re out and about! You can even slip your phone and keys into the bag with the cushion in! They’re also midwife endorsed and have won several awards!


Even when I’m not feeding Arlo I quite like to use the Thrupenny Bits pillow as a back support on the sofa, or if I’m lying down I pop it under my head!


Click the image above to view the range of designs, with prices starting from £33 there’s something for everyone, and I think they would make a great baby shower gift too! Follow them on twitter & facebook for updates and offers!

We were sent a pillow for the purpose if this review, all opinions are my own. If you’d like to read more about my experiences with breastfeeding please click here!

One thought on “Breastfeeding: Thrupenny bits nursing pillows

  1. what a nice pillow! very useful information. i wish i would have it when i used to breastfeed my little one! anyway i will have it for my next baby. thanks.

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