Funky Giraffe Dribble Bibs: review


Athena has started to dribble, not a huge amount but definite dribble. On top of that Sam is feeding her expressed milk from a bottle a fair amount now, so that creates mess! I started looking on eBay for pretty looking, comfy bibs, and purchased a few from an eBay seller I didn’t even look at the name of. Then the next day on twitter Funky Giraffe dribble bibs were looking for reviewers so I (well, Athena) volunteered to try them out. When they arrived I realised they were from the same company, so I am going to give 4 of the ones I purchased away as a giveaway!
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Firstly, these are the cutest things! This is going to sound strange but my mum used to dress her greyhound in bandanas and he always looked cute, but babies in bandanas look adorable! even on a crying windy baby, perfect for catching gripe-water dribbles!

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The bibs are soft all over, so no itchy scratchy bits, plus the poppers are nickel-free, so no irritants there either. With two sets of poppers so should fit right up to the time that your little darling doesn’t need a dribble catcher! The fleece lining soaks up the moistness a treat, without Athena getting a wet chest/neck! They’re also so soft that if she falls asleep in one I don’t need to worry about getting it off her… but the best thing is the array of designs and colours! The full range is available on the website. They also do bigger versions that cover the whole chest for the weaning stages, and some lovely clothes, socks and moccasins, including some full sleeved bibs for the baby who REALLY likes to fling their food around!

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I was sent the three above on the left, and on the right are the four that you can win! They are all unisex in design, and one is a ‘my first Christmas’ style! Even if you don’t have a baby yourself these would make useful presents for parents-to-be, as they’ll last a lot longer than an item of clothing, because as we all know, these babies grow FAST!

5 thoughts on “Funky Giraffe Dribble Bibs: review

  1. I was going to enter on behalf of a pregnant colleague of mine but it’s one of those funny gizmos that asks permission to take over your twitter account and I’m a wimp. They look really cute though, I especially like the pink one with stars on little Athena! I’m really enjoying your baby posts because they’re very ‘you’ – it seems like Athena has really slotted into your life. Love to you all xx

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