What I didn’t wear to a wedding and other things

SDC14122 SDC14124 SDC14115  SDC14115
Dress: pussycat Sandals: New look (old)
This is the dress I decided I didn’t want to wear to a wedding a couple of weeks ago. From afar it looked okay, but I didn’t want to wear tights with it, and wasn’t feeling body confident enough to wear it bare legged, partly because I have previously failed at all attempts at a neat self tan and had milk bottle-white legs, and partly because I have stretch marks on my inner thighs from pregnancy and I would’ve had to be careful how I sat all day! Also it’s pretty low cut and my newly grown boobs (an upside to pregnancy) were a bit ‘on show’ for a wedding I feel… I’ll do an outfit post on what I actually wore soon, and for now this one has been relegated to the ‘wear with black tights and a warm cardi in winter’ pile. I loved the print though, it’s a bit brighter than anything I’ve been wearing recently too. I bought it from Debenhams, but cant find it on their website, but it’s available on New Looks. Also lets take a second to go ‘urgh, weird’ at my bizarrely bent-backwards leg in the middle photo, my legs are weird, it might be from all the dancing I did when I was younger or it might just be weird legs.
And seeing as one paragraph about a dress I didn’t wear properly yet does not a good blog post make, I’ll ramble for a bit!
We’ve settled well into the new flat/area, and have been out exploring as much as possible. We’ve found a good place for milkshakes and cakes, a perfect shady corner of a lovely local park for reading (me) and napping (Athena) and have worked out where there are toilets that you can fit a buggy into too! Sam had another week off work last week too, so we took Athena swimming together (it completely tired her out, I got her dressed after whilst she was almost asleep and she conked out!) On Bank holiday Monday we had a picnic with my mum at a local gardens on the downs that she used to take me to when I was little, so it was nice to stroll round there with the baby and Sam too, I had a good old reminisce! I also got a little sunburnt but never mind!
I’ve met two very nice mums from netmums, one of whom has also just moved to the area, so have met up with her and her lovely daughter a couple of times, she’s actually overdue now so hopefully next time I see her she’ll have a new baby too

I’ve had a slightly less hectic week this week than last, I was planning to stay in all day today but then a friend who has just got back from a year and a half trip round the world asked if I was free so I walked into town and sat and had lunch on the beach with him, it was so nice to see him again and hear some of his stories!
I’m working on Athena’s 12 week update too, can’t believe tomorrow she’ll have been with us for that long!

3 thoughts on “What I didn’t wear to a wedding and other things

  1. You look fab in that dress! Your hair is looking gorgeous too, so long darn you! Glad to hear the three of you are settling in well, you’ll have to give us a tour of the area soon 🙂

  2. I’m sure the dress will get some good wear in the cooler months. Aw, I can just imagine your little water baby having a ball in the swimming pool, cuteness! x

  3. I think you look gorgeous in the dress, but at the same time it’s important to feel confident in something, or you will just feel uncomfortable all day, it’s not worth it!

    That video is so cute, wish I could fall asleep like that 🙂

    Lyndsay | Fizzy Peaches

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