I’m a big believer in Karma, and what goes around comes around and think that Christmas is a good time of year for people to look for opportunities to help someone out…

A couple of months ago I also cleared out our wardrobes and sent off some tights, bras and normal clothes of mine and Sam’s and a baby carrier I wasn’t using any longer to the refugee crises centre to help them out. Of course these are not selfless acts because I need to clear out my house a bit before we move, but if I can do it and help other people at the same time then perfect!
So why don’t you look up your local free site, or pop a free ad up on Gumtree for some things that you’ve not used/worn in a long time, or take a bag of clothes or toys to a local hospital refuge centre… Someone out there will be really grateful!
This is probably my last blog post this side of Christmas, so have a good one!