I’m a big believer in Karma, and what goes around comes around and think that Christmas is a good time of year for people to look for opportunities to help someone out…

Do a good deedthis christmasI was amazed when someone paid for my Christmas food shop when I forgot my purse last year. This year I’ve just continued doing something I’ve done throughout the year and have been putting things on my local Facebook ‘free’ page. I’ve been trying to do this weekly to help keep our house less cluttered and to offer things to people who can make use of them. Books I’ve read, toys the kids no longer play with, clothes we’ve outgrown for example. This week I found 14 tealight holders left over from our wedding that needed a new home and a bundle of teethers and baby toys Arlo no longer needs! I also had a new dressing gown and slippers I had that I knew I’d not ever use so put them up as a bundle for a mum that needed a treat.

A couple of months ago I also cleared out our wardrobes and sent off some tights, bras and normal clothes of mine and Sam’s and a baby carrier I wasn’t using any longer to the refugee crises centre to help them out. Of course these are not selfless acts because I need to clear out my house a bit before we move, but if I can do it and help other people at the same time then perfect!

So why don’t you look up your local free site, or pop a free ad up on Gumtree for some things that you’ve not used/worn in a long time, or take a bag of clothes or toys to a local hospital refuge centre… Someone out there will be really grateful!

This is probably my last blog post this side of Christmas, so have a good one!


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