Our 2015 – & Share yours!

share your year

2015 was a big one for us as a family! The most obvious addition was Arlo, then Sam opened up a new hotel. We started hunting for somewhere to buy, and had an offer accepted in early September. Here’s my annual round up and link-up for any one else who writes a similar post!

January, February & March

The first three months of 2015 were pretty quiet, I was heavily pregnant, working my day job and not sleeping well due to peeing every forty-five minutes practically! I started my maternity leave at 36 weeks as I had to use up holiday, and I wanted a few days to sleep & nest whilst Athena was at nursery before the new arrival! Right on the last day of March we welcomed Arlo a few days later than planned, here’s my natural c section birth story.
April, May & June
We spent a quiet Easter getting to know Arlo and settling in to being a family of four, with walks in the bluebells and lots of park trips. When Arlo was five weeks old we had a lovely week away with our best friends at Bluestone. In June I went to britmums (as did Arlo, poor thing!) We also started swimming lessons with Arlo, here’s his underwater photo shoot. Athena turned two in June too!

July, August & September
The summer was a fairly busy one, and I felt like things were getting back to normal again as I adjusted to having two small people with me to look after! Sam was doing a lot of miles with work between hotels for work, we did a lot of playgroup-ing, spent time at parks and the splash pad too! We had days out in London (we went on the London Eye & visited Kensington Palace and Hastings as a family in August and spent a few days in Norfolk with Sam’s folks in September too. Oh! and a lovely weekend on the Isle of Wight for my friend Skyes wedding, as well as having an offer accepted (after viewing close to 20 places!)


October, November & December
I started a new freelance social media client in October, in November we celebrated our third wedding anniversary (well, we didn’t really celebrate, we had a takeaway!) and had a last minute weekend in Norfolk as we knew we’d not get up in December at all! Arlo started baby led weaning & I fell in love with Autumn when it finally arrived Sam opened his new hotel in December so we hardly saw him as he’s been working such long hours (and often staying at work overnight!) and Athena graduated nursery and moved up to pre school! The house buying process is still ongoing, slowly but hopefully surely! Oh! also my new laptop died overnight suddenly and got sent away for fixing but came back with the same error and a crack in the hinge, cheers PC World! Hoping to get that back asap as blogging from my phone and tablet is a nightmare!

I’ve also written a lot about breastfeeding, cloth nappies and a post about gentle parenting, a subject I want to focus on a lot more in 2016, along with Babywearing (but here’s a guide to types of carriers for now!)

You can read my recaps of 2011 (being a bridesmaid, being proposed to) 2012 (marriage, holidays to Germany and Egypt) and 2013 (Moving, having a baby…) and 2014 (turning 30, announcing a second pregnancy and going to Morocco) should you feel so inclined So, onto 2016!

So over to you! I’d love it if you’d link up any posts that you’ve written that recap your 2015, in any format at all! I’ll visit, comment and share on twitter/FB too. It would be wonderful if you could visit and comment on a few other blogs, and if you wanted to pop the button or a link back to me in your post that would be appreciated too! You can use

Share your 2015 - Belle du Brighton

The link up will close on Jan 21st.

19 thoughts on “Our 2015 – & Share yours!

  1. It has been a pleasure to read all your adventures throughout the year! Good luck with the new hotel and house buying. You will love being a home owner when you get there! Wishing you and your family a happy and prosperous 2016!

  2. Sounds like you had a busy but wonderful 2015! In fairness I can’t believe how busy and quick this year has gone for us too – I barely blogged at all but I’m looking forward to getting right back in to it next year!

    I’ve linked up and added your button to the end of my post (which will be up tomorrow morning!)

    Happy New Year to you and yours Lauren 🙂

  3. I love your pictures. All of your photos of Arlo and Athena together are so lovely! Great idea to do a link up, I’ve added mine to the list 🙂 Happy New Year!

    Liz xx

  4. What a wonderful year! I love your photos-especially the underwater one. I’ve linked up with my top blog posts of the year but I really like the idea of looking back over the year like you have done. I might write another, more personal, end of year review. Happy New Year!

  5. Happy New Year! What an incredible and very busy year you’ve had. It’s been really lovely to see Athena and Arlo growing up together this year. They are adorable. Your blog is one of my favourites and looking forward to seeing what 2016 brings for you.

    Laura x

  6. I’d just posted mine so I’ve linked up – it’s funny that you’re from Brighton and go to Hastings for the day. I’m originally from Hastings and our big day out was always Brighton ! 🙂 Love the underwater swimming shot – so cool !

  7. What a lovely year you have had. I love the idea of doing a round up and your post inspired me to do just that! I’m so glad that I discovered your blog this year and very much enjoy reading your posts (especially Arlo’s monthly updates!). Happy New Year 🙂

  8. Just stumbled across your blog and such a lovely, lovely round up! I love the names of your kids and you have done such wonderful things together. How amazing is that underwater picture? Totally incredible. Opening a hotel? That does sound busy, but so so exciting. Wishing you a very happy 2016 xx

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