Well another month gone and with it the last days of Summer I reckon! I’m fairly happy about that though as I’m a big Autumn lover… bring on the cardigans!
I didn’t do a monthly recap last month and maybe not even the month before, and i’ve also been a bit crap at doing my ‘Stuff on a Sunday’ posts of late too. So I have something to look back on for the last few weeks here’s a bit of a an amalgamation of what I’ve been getting up to!

Reading: Lots of John Grisham, then when I got bored after reading three in a row I read The Nightingale by Kristen Hannah. It was truly one of the best books I’ve read and it even got a 5* rating in good reads from me! It’s based during WW2 so was always going to be popular with me but the way the story develops, along with the characters is just perfect. I then read ‘All the things I never told you’ which was a page turner too. If you’re on Goodreads please add me as a friend!

Watching: Downton and Gogglebox now they’ve restarted. TV series wise not a lot because of the Summer break but most shows are back again and I’m watching ‘How to get away with Murder’ as I type! I did watch the BBC adaptation of Cider with Rosie though and that was really well done! I don’t really watch ‘scheduled’ TV very much, no soaps or anything like that anyway.
Films: Adeline, The Cop Car and probably a few more but they didn’t stand out I guess!
Doing: We had a family day trip to London and visited the London Eye and Kensington Palace. We had passport photos done for the sprogs (see above!) and have spent lots of time on the seafront and at the Splash Pad, Athena is obsessed with getting wet and also seems to be oblivious to being cold! We also had a weekend on the Isle of Wight for Skyes wedding, which was absolutely lovely, sadly I didn’t take many photos as having two children at a wedding leaves your hands full somewhat! Right at the start of September we spent a few days with family in Norfolk, and Athena got to go in a Helicopter and a plane! Okay they were both in the hangar but she loved it!
So that was my September! How was yours? Also, Arlo is SIX MONTHS OLD TODAY! Insane!