In which I am a hippy


Dress: Vintage. Slip (underneath for modesty): H&M basics. Cardi: Primark. Jewellery: nothing is new & no idea where it came fromdress4facedress1

Face: Mac stars & rockets e/s, Black gel liner, ebay false lashes, barry M dazzle dust in purple over the liner.

This is what I wore to my friend Yasmins Hen do last weekend. It was 70’s themed, and I’m not a big fan of fancy dress, and I also didn’t have much time to devote to coming up with something. I had bought this dress from a vintage clothing shop in Brighton a few months ago, purely because it reminded me of something that I used to have in my dressing up box when I was a little’un. I attempted to google the maker from the label and the company tracks back to the 70’s, so fingers crossed it is! It certainly needed a fair amount of sewing up of hems and split seams! But for £5 who can complain? I paired it with a primark delicate cardigan (I changed the buttons to printed wooden heart buttons from diamante nastyness) Obviously I could have looked a lot MORE like a hippy, however I dont like dressing up and I also would actually wear this out normally. fail. Yasmin however looked AMAZING in a sparkly mini dress, huge pink furry coat and big red eyelashes, with pink pointy ankle boots, very 70’s glam indeed!

You probably have not noticed that I have been posting less than normal, but in way of an explanation in case anyone has noticed… for the last month i’ve been feeling really ‘blah’ for want of a better word. I had lost all motivation for everything, wedding planning, tidying the house, reading, even watching tv. I’ve also been having fairly strong headaches (I lasted till 10.30pm on the hen night, poor show!) my IBS has reared its ugly head again and I literally could sleep for england, although I didn’t ever feel refreshed when I woke up. Last weekend I found myself literally sat on the sofa for about an hour doing nothing but thinking about what I should be doing but not doing it. Then feeling depressed because I hadn’t done it. Anyway, I’m not sure entirely what happened but I seem to have perked up a bit, I am back on track with the wedding planning (less than 4 months to go! will post about it soon) and am thinking about hiring a cleaner. I sound so bloody yuppyish but seriously, I hate cleaning and it would make me so much happier not to have to do it.

Anyway, consider me pulled together. Hopefully. I have a week off work from the 7th August, so we’ve planned a little road trip to Scotland (hardly little!!!!) for Yasmins wedding and we’re going via Liverpool (tips for what to see please!) & the lake district to stay with my dad & step mum.

How do you kick your own arse into gear when you need to?

11 thoughts on “In which I am a hippy

  1. You look absolutely STUNNING!
    We all have ‘blah’ periods, they’re unavoidable, I find blogging actually helps motivate me, especially when I get good feedback.

    Have fun in Scotland.


  2. You don’t look like a hippy, but like a 70’s princess! Try unplugging everything when going to sleep. And I mean everything. My phone’s charger was making my head go boom-boom and was not making it easy for me to sleep.
    When I need to get myself into gear, I just think of all the things that piss me off and put all the energy into doing the thing that must be done. Worked excellent with exams studying, room cleaning and feet waxing :p
    Happy weekend lovely!

  3. Youlook beautiful lady. I’m glad your feeling brighter it’s hard to pull yourself out of times like that but it seems like you havea lot to look forward to. I tend to have times when i feel like imm not in the right mind, just numb. I also have IBS so i get how fucking awful that is xxx

  4. oh lauren, this is exactly how i’ve felt. lost all motivation to do anything, and i just find myself coming home from work and sitting on my bed crying, for no reason whatsoever.
    us women are strange strange creatures aren’t we!!
    i hope you’re feeling a little better now, really do! xx

  5. I LOVE your make up here, the dress is also gorgeous and quite the bargain at £5! I get what your feeling with lack of motivation. I may be on my Summer break at the moment but I feel like I’m lacking some sort of routine to kick me into gear to do anything at the moment. Hope you’re feeling better though! xoxo

  6. Peace out man… Wicked outfit! Love the heart buttons too 🙂 I like to customize items so they are more my taste too!

    And I totally relate to feeling blah, I have perked up myself but I fear it will only last during my two weeks off work and come 9am Monday 6th August, my rubbish mood will be back in full swing. Boo.

    Hope you stay perky 😉

    Zoe xoxo

  7. Oh you so lovely, I think you did really well with the theme! And the dress was only £5? What a bargain for something that you’d wear ordinarily 🙂

    I hope you feel better soon. Can’t say I’ve much expereience in wedding planning haha but I know how IBS can just appear on you and it really really sucks! Hope you’re managing to relax a little!

    Love, Elizabeth xx

  8. Such a brilliant vintage find! You look perfect as a 70s babe. I know how you feel with the blah- sometimes the to-do lists just feel overwhelming doesn’t it. I tend to snap myself out of it with a little switch off time. I put on some proper feel good music, do something completely gratuitous, like a manicure and watching trash tv. Go and meet up with a friend and allow myself a little time of just ignoring all the to-do’s. Tends to refresh me and help me just get on with stuff better.

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