
tree2 tree3

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Dress: H&M. Bag: Primark. Belt: Ancient, sorry no idea! Sunglasses: Cyprus market stall. Pineapple head: models own.


On Monday we went to dinner at a friends house, we walked instead of taking the bus, and the direct route takes us through Queens Park, a really pretty park in east Brighton. When we got there we met her cat, Percy who is only a few months old and so gorgeous!



I spent all of yesterday afternoon on my roof making my wedding invites, so this weekend I just need to add the finishing touches, and write peoples names in them and post them! Hurrah! No turning back now! (ha, not that I would, i’ve put too much effort into this wedding to back out now 😉

My mum is coming to stay tomorrow for a night, she’s not seen my dress yet so i’ll have to squeeze into it for her, and hopefully she’ll ‘help’ me with some housework too, and by help I mean do it all for me. Although really I should look after her as some stupid driver rear ended her car during the week and gave her whiplash.

Oh and I will be sending out the info for the Brighton Bloggers Meet on August 18th this weekend, please leave your email address below if you didn’t on this post, and are interested!!

Happy weekend!

5 thoughts on “In which I walk

  1. why hello pretty dress and a pretty picture of you in the dress!
    looks like this walk was super fun.
    once your mama has finished doing your housework, can she come do mine please?x

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