In which I go on my Hen Weekend


Many of my favourite people

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I look drunk but actually that’s not even alcohol…


Possibly the worst picture of sparklers ever.


Standard photo gatecrasher in the club.

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Dinner at the Komedia

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Me and Bridesmaid Emily (My dress is from Forever 21)


My SUPERking size bed. seriously I could live on that thing.


Cheesy snap!

So i’m not going to go into too much detail about the weekend, but I had a lovely break with awesome people. I ate amazingly good food, stayed in an uber luxurious town house in the centre of bath, gained an extra hour because of the clocks, danced like an idiot to motown, got wet and revitalised at the spa. It was perfect. I quite want to do it again this weekend. Oh, and my wedding is on just over 2 weeks! eeeek!

Hopefully once that’s over I can return to a more normal blogging schedule (not that I ever had one, but monthly likes and loathes went out the window MONTHS ago and I cant remember the last time I posted a recipe!)

What have YOU all been up to? Judging by my instagram feed, lots of pumpkins, pajamas, and comfort food, although nowt wrong with that I say!

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