In which I go to the Ballet


On the 22nd December I went to see Peter Schaufusses Nutcracker, which was a (very) contemporary take on the traditional ballet. I Danced from 3 until 21, and only really gave up because I didn’t want to do it professionally and don’t like small children enough to teach them, (I did help out at my school though sometimes) and living in Brighton meant spending money on rent and not competition fees, costumes and ridiculous amounts of pointe shoes. I love to watch live dance shows, and it always makes me wish I hadn’t given up! Anyway, this is what I wore…


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and for shits & giggles, here is me in a tutu. (I’m on the left)



Not sure I will be posting between now & New year, as I am off to Norfolk early tomorrow to do Christmas round 2 with the boys family, and see some friends. In case you were wondering my conjunctivitis is clearing up slowly, but I think surely (fingers crossed) and I managed to wear eye makeup today without rubbing it all over my face!

However you spend your NYE, have a brilliant time!

14 thoughts on “In which I go to the Ballet

  1. love your dress and those awesome tights. I gave up ballet just before I would have got pointe shoes :s 
    love you in a tutu! I’ve always wanted to wear a real one

  2. The trick (so I have been told) is to wear big pants over the top of your tights… my friend is a senior stewardess for Virgin and she makes all the new girls buy bridget jones pants to wear over their tights so they dont get saggy…. Actually another friend used to hook her tights into the back of her bra, but I think this would result in wedgies….

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