Last week I spent a bloody lovely evening at Brighton’s Lush Store on East Street. Lyndsay had sorted out a Bloggers ‘Lock In’ so that we could browse in peace and learn a lot more about the products and ethos behind the company. We got to make our own ‘The Comforter’ bubble bar which has always been one of my faves, and it was SO MUCH EASIER than I expected it to be! We got to play with the newest range of perfumes, and how the same perfume has a different scent on different people!
We also got to play about with the massage bars (embarrassingly one of the first things I ever bought from Lush was a massage bar thinking it was soap! In my defence I was coming home after a long weekend in London and had time to kill in the store at Victoria train station… and I was about 15!) We gave each other arm massages and I played about with the hand creams. I also got to snap away with my new camera so I shall let the pictures speak for themselves!
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Christmassy bits & my lovely friend Rosie
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Playing around with makeup, Katie & Skye debating which shampoos to try… By the way Katie’s post about the event was a true delight to read…
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Trying out Lemon-aid, making bubble bars and munching on delicious Cake-Cetera lollies…
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I can only imagine where all the glitter ends up if you bath with this! The Voice of Reason, my favourite perfume because it reminds me of pipe smoke!
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My purchase:, my penguin looks a little depressed but I had a lovely bath with him! On the right is my groups rather sad looking comforter bar! It had expanded a lot more by the time I used it two days later though and smelt just like the perfectly made shop ones!

I had a thoroughly lovely time, and will review BIG shampoo at some point soon, because I wish I had bought it sooner! Thanks to Lyndsay and to the Lush team for having us!

5 thoughts on “Lush

  1. Thank you for the link and the compliment 🙂 Also, you managed to get a photo of me where I don’t look weird; which is a miracle!! I may hire you as my personal photographer. Really tempted to get a bottle of The Voice Of Reason too; it’s so different to the normal perfumes I wear. See you tomorrow! xxx

  2. Thank you for the link and the compliment 🙂 Also, you managed to get a photo of me where I don’t look weird; which is a miracle!! I may hire you as my personal photographer. Really tempted to get a bottle of The Voice Of Reason too; it’s so different to the normal perfumes I wear. See you tomorrow! xxx

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