Me & Mine – January 2015

Me and mine January


This isn’t the first time I’ve joined in with Me & Mine, a photo project to capture a family photo each month, but the last time was way back in May last year. I am determined to keep up with every month of this year though so we can see how much we’ve changed, and I’m also going to use each post as a sort of monthly recap too. As we spent the last week in the Alps I thought a family photo in the snow would be apt but we didn’t actually manage to take one!

Sam worked every single day until we left for our holiday on the 23rd, some days were really long, including a 25 hour shift over NY eve, so it was nice to get to spend time together this last week, even if he was off snowboarding for a lot of it!

I was pleased that our usual playgroups started up again after the Christmas break, I really was starting to get a bit down from all the rain and being stuck inside a lot, and I think the kids were too! Colds and coughs were frequent, hot chocolates were consumed in vast quantities and we’re still waiting on a completion date for our house purchase! Oh, it was my birthday on the 24th too and our chalet hosts made me an awesome chocolate cake and put up banners and balloons!

Arlo’s monthly update will be up tomorrow for #whatmykiddid as he turned 10 months old today but Athena has really blossomed this month, and our week away especially as she was the youngest (apart from Arlo) of four children and she’s a lot easier to communicate with and has picked up a lot of new words too. She became a scapegoat for whatever happened amongst the kids but took it all in her stride!

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Here’s the only other family photographs from the month, at Geneva airport waiting to come home and one from when Sam took Athena in the hot tub!

dear beautiful

9 thoughts on “Me & Mine – January 2015

  1. Aww these are lovely photos full of holiday memories… I’m jealous that you’ve seen some snow, I was really hoping I’d get to show my kids some this winter, but I’m starting to think we may need to go abroad to find some. I look forward to seeing more of your family snaps this year. x

  2. I love these holiday photos, especially the hot tub photo. I love baby wearing shots, your little man looks so happy and content, my littlest lady is a similar age and she loves being close. xx

  3. I’m so jealous of your holiday in the snow Lauren – I hope you all had a fabulous time. It seems January has been the same for a lot of people as I read through some of these posts – this miserable weather has a lot to answer for! Here’s to a brighter and drier February!

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