My tips for styling short hair

As you might know I had sixteen inches of hair chopped off last November (it got sent off to be made into a wig for children suffering from hair loss!) and since then I have been having fun playing around with different styles and products. When my  hair was super long I felt like I could hardly put any products in it for fear of weighing it down (plus how big of a pea sized amount do you need when you have bum length hair?) and also it took FOREVER to blow dry/curl/do anything nice with it because there was so just SO much of it.

My go to style at the moment if I’m going somewhere nice is a few curls and some volume at the roots, and the front section pinned back. I was sent the Air Motion pro brush to try out too, which has become a firm favourite. It’s a little like a tangle teezer in look, with the glorious addition of a handle! I often used to drop the TT accidentally when using due to the naff grip, but this is much easier to use. It glides through wet or dry hair with ease, and you can use it in the shower/bath too which is helpful to make sure you really get conditioner or treatment oils/lotions through your hair properly. It’s also really light so I’ve taken to flinging this into my bag instead of my heavy wooden handled denman brush.

I think the things that make this easy to use and not end up being clogged full of hair (tangle teezer i’m looking at you!) are that it has three different bristle lengths, is really light and helps to smooth our frizz too. At around £12 it’s well priced too!

The three products I’ve been using regularly since getting the chop are:

Trevor Sorbie – Beach Hair Salt spray. This was in a goody bag from an event at Trevor Sorbie many moons ago and I found it just didn’t work well when my hair was long, it weighed it down and just didn’t look brilliant. Now however it works wonders for giving some shape to my hair, I spray it in when my hair is almost dry, stick it up in a bun (well, as much of a bun as I can manage) and go to sleep. In the morning I have random waves, and can help form a bit of shape if needed with tongs, for a special occasion (which are few and far between these days!)

Pantene Light resilience foam. I picked this up from the aisles of 99p store (always good for a random bargain) and although the label is in what I think is Polish I think it’s basically a light foam to add a bit of volume, which it does well as long as you don’t put too much in!

Dry Shampoo, good for between washes and to spruce up the front sections if I’ve had them pinned back (and therefore touched them a lot so they’ve got a bit greasy!) I normally use Batiste dark coloured one but didn’t have any when I took the photos!

I was sent the Air Motion Pro to see how I got on with it under no obligation to do a review, but I liked it so I wanted to share.

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