A super quick post this week as I have been so busy and still under the weather so I didn’t get my bum in gear to schedule anything so im writing this on my phone on the train to London with the kids. Arlo is asleep on my lap really awkwardly so I’m typing on my phone with 1 hand!

Last Sunday we had a family ramble up to Cissbury ring and the surrounding areas, to see the new forest ponies that have been introduced there but I’ll share photos in a separate post at some point!
This has been Athenas last week at preschool before the hols so we’ve got two weeks of freedom (haha) ahead of us! Last week we spent a couple of afternoons at the beach which is something that always makes the kids happy! Plus the ice creams they were treated too of course! I also had a little solo beach stroll before dinner with my friend Carla who is over from Tel Aviv, and I’m hoping to go and visit her there in the autumn (when it’s not so hot!)

We spent a lovely day yesterday in Lewes for T’s second birthday (he’s Lesbemums (www.lesbemums.com) little guy) and got a little red… whoops!

It’s definitely feeling spring like this week and the forecast for today in London is 24 degrees! So now I’m going to read my book on the kindle app whilst Arlo slumbers and Athena is watching Trolls with her headphones on!
Must be lovely spending time at the beach, I tend to go red too so need to apply more sunscreen than the children.