
I am finally writing this post from my laptop! After almost three months of messing me about, damaging my laptop, losing my data and giving me someone elses I have finally got a brand new laptop from Curry’s! Sadly it’s not as fast as my old one but was the best spec I could get for the same price as mine cost. Angry letter being written about the whole debacle now I have a laptop to angry tap at! 

I can finally write up a bit about our holiday in the Alps (which seems a lifetime ago now) and share some pictures from my ‘big camera’, but at the moment i’m spending time getting the laptop sorted how I want it, downloading the programs I need and starting to slowly re do my income/expenses spreadsheet because it got lost (here’s a hint, back your data up even if your laptop is brand spanking new, more fool me!)


This last week has been a bit of a stressful one, I was sick for 48 hours, then Arlo got whatever it was but worse and was sick on and off for a week. Thankfully Athena didn’t catch it and soldiered on as normal bless her! We did manage to get out for a nice long walk at Stanmer house with two lovely fellow brightonian bloggers Kate & Polly, and their boys!
belledubrighton We also got new on our house purchase, basically pull out or find 5k for a new roof. Long story short we don’t want to pull out as since august when we had our offer accepted the property prices have risen enough to price us out of the market for somewhere with the same space. I was also meant to have started back at work (using up a few KIT days first) but had to cancel my first one annoyingly due to the lurgies.

For lent I’ve given up buying new things, ebay and charity shops only, and only if we *need* something! I have also got a lot of the kids outgrown clothes for sale on instagram here: @bdb_kidsclothes to make a few pennies to buy the next sizes up for them both!

On the plus side, being home a lot has meant I have been really on the ball with meal planning and batch cooking, both my slow cooker and the cook4me have been working overtime, and miraculously Athena seems to be being less picky with food and now Arlo is on the mend his appetite has increased too! We did have a lovely (postponed due to sickness) meal out with my mum to celebrate Sams birthday though, where we discovered Arlo really likes Creme Brulee!

2016-02-19 19.20.43

Things have been a little quiet on the blog front but now I have a laptop and have got through most of the backlog of reviews etc Hopefully I can start writing more for me (well, my readers) a bit. I tell you what, turning down a lot of things and really thinking twice about if I wanted to accept something knowing i’d have to write a post up on my phone and all that (not even the app, as my host doesn’t allow 3rd party uploaders) has really made me take stock of what I am accepting, and learning that it is okay to say no to things. I would have drowned had I been taking on my normal amount of things, what with a poorly baby who will only sleep in my arms and no laptop!

Have a spiffing week!

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