Stuff on a Sunday – Solo parenting & magic light bulbs


A pretty good week all in all, Sam was away for three days of it in Germany snowboarding, so I’ve been out and about for the last few days with the kids as days inside drive me absolutely crackers! On Friday we headed over to Chelle’s house for a playdate for the kiddos and a mum-date for us! 7 kids in the house at one point and we didn’t go crazy (well, she may have done after we left!) Saturday saw us head over to our favourite place to while away the day, Amberley Museum, home of steam trains, vintage busses and this week: a lot of fun Halloween activities! We also decorated some pumpkin biscuits earlier in the week too, which were delicious!  I am however very much looking forward to Sam coming home to take the pressure off a bit!

The first part of the week was a bit of a write off, I worked a lot, Sam worked a lot and everyone was tired. Athena was annoyed preschool was on holiday and kept asking to go. We had ‘Hive’ installed this week too, and we can now turn on/dim our lightbulbs from our phones… and we’ve been telling Athena we’re doing it by magic, she’s not cottoned on yet! We also went and cleared a load of stuff out of my mums garage, I found two bin bags full of clothes that kind friends had given us yonks ago that are the size Arlo is wearing now, phew! I also found a few boxes of toys, a highchair and a travel cot so those all went to the childminders, and we have a few more bits and bobs to get rid of before the year is out. I am determined to start next year off with no clutter!


We’ve also been out and about on our scooters a lot this week, Arlo is getting better! I’m writing this on Saturday night after putting the kids to bed at 8pm in the vague hopes that they will actually wake up a little later, or even the same time as normal (which is 6am ish) so taking into account the clocks going back I might not have to get up at the crack of dawn! Who am I kidding eh?


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