I’m finally getting a chance to get my laptop on, it’s currently Sunday lunchtime and I’ve sent the kids to their room with their tablets and some left over Halloween biscuits so I can get some peace. I’ve got tonsillitis again so don’t feel like going out in the cold as I have no energy to chase them around nor to shout them back to me when they inevitably run off faster than I can get to them!
Sam is off snowboarding this weekend with friends, so it’s just been the sproglets and I since early Friday morning, he’s due back tonight but is working a night shift at 11. Arlo has been waking up incredibly early for the last few days – he was in at 4.50am today and wouldn’t go back to sleep, so I’m already contemplating another 8pm bedtime tonight to prepare for another early morning wake up call! I am getting ever closer to meeting West Sussex NHS’s quote for number of cases of tonsillitis in a certain period and hopefully can get them out at some point soon, I know the recovery is horrible as an adult but a week or two of pain would be worth it if I never had to have it again!
Halloween was fun, we decorated and carved pumpkins and the kids went out with Sam to do some Trick or Treating, and then went crazy with all the sugar from their ‘candy’ over the next few days whenever we allowed them to try something from their buckets!
That’s it from me, I’m trying to catch up with some work today and am already looking forward to bedtime! I’ve hardly taken any photos this week hence this blurry one! Hopefully everyone else is happy and healthy!