Thoughts: Resolutions for 2014

Yep, another resolution post! I am very aware that many of you won’t even read this far, let alone to the end but hey, if I write them for the world to see then I am more likely to follow them!

  1. Learn how to run a frugal household, which will help with…
  2. Don’t return to work from Maternity leave.
If anyone knows my area manager please don’t tell him about #2 until I have, ha! Here are my 2012 resolutions…
I did an alright job at them actually, in that Athena is healthy and happy and I personally think i’m doing a pretty good job of being her mama (toot toot! there’s my own trumpet blowing!) and I also managed to move from a 2 bedroom maisonette with oodles of storage to a slightly smaller 2 bed flat with no storage! Admittedly our en-suite bathroom has 2 suitcases in it and a few more little boxes that I’ve not found a place for yet… but I certainly have a lot less clutter around me, although it’s just been replaced with more baby paraphernalia! And as for learning about photoshop… maybe this year!
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Although i’m not one for sharing my presents, I did want to talk about the Secret Santa present swap that Hannah organised. I was sent some amazingly thoughtful and lovely gifts from my Secret Santa (who was Kathryn, of Cheerfully Cheap Chick) Each present was lovingly wrapped and labelled and chosen for me carefully. It included an amazing cut-out graphic in a frame ‘Keep Calm & Cuddle Athena’ which both Sam and I absolutely love! Athena was also sent a little gillet, hat and mittens too! There was a teeny little (handmade by Kathryn) stocking decoration which will be brought out each year, along with a little plaque, an amazingly cute russian doll diary (hello new blog planner!) and a milk frother that had been jazzed up with my initial on it! Lots of Chai Lattes for me! Oh, and a woolly scarf that matches my coat! I was truly touched by the amount of thought that had gone into my gifts, and have read back through Kathryn’s blog and can see that she is talented in all things crafty, even though she’s actually got her hands full doing her degree she has a little etsy store too!
I’ve enjoyed this year so much (there’s a recap of my year here and a link-share widget where a few other bloggers have shared theirs, so please add yours if you’ve done one!) so i’m hoping that 2014 is as good for me, and for everyone else of course! I’m off up to Norfolk to visit friends and family for a week so will be more absent from blogging and social media for a bit!
Happy 2014 folks!

4 thoughts on “Thoughts: Resolutions for 2014

  1. Thank-you Lauren for such kind words! This has really brightened up my day! So glad you liked everything (even though there was some pink thrown in there too!). Glad the diary will be used for blog planning, I also look forward to lots more baba and lifestyle posts! Hope that you have a wonderful 2014 and I look forward to having you in my cyber circle of friends, all thanks to Secret Santa! Happy New Year to the three of you 🙂 xxx

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