Wanderlust: Booking A Mystery Holiday

This is a collaborative post written by me, in partnership with a brand/company.

When the world is your oyster there really is a  no end to all the places you could travel to for exploring or for a holiday.   The problem is how do you decide where to go, and when?  Something that I’ve never been brave  enough to do is book a ‘mystery holiday’ but it really would take the drama out of deciding where to go!

The problem  I have is that I investigate  any potential holiday destination so much in advance that not only do I spend hours and hours on  choosing the destination but I always   then pore over various  websites, blogs and  travel guides to work out the best area to stay in. Then it takes me absolutely ages to  decide on  the hotel,  including checking Tripadvisor and other reviews to work out the best  hotel we can afford in the right location.

Finally once the destination and hotel are decided upon I can spend even longer  working out how to make the  most of our time, narrowing  down what we  want to see and do and then  work out when the best time to visit each place is. Oh! Not forgetting the working out of flights, transfers to the location and all that fun stuff. I tell you now, I am so exhausted from holiday planning that  I’m exhausted before I even set foot at the airport!

So here are a few pros of booking  a mystery holiday, like you can book via the Voyage Privé website and others.

No advanced planning required!  Remember all those hours I spend  meticulously planning, and fretting over my decisions? Well none of that would happen, which would give me lots of time back!

Saving money by booking a mystery hotel. When you don’t know where you’re booking you can often save a lot of money! This is because hotels don’t want to have empty rooms so will sell them cheaper but with Voyage Prive you’re guaranteed a 4 or 5 star hotel so no worries about booking a dud!

Explore a country you wouldn’t have considered.  There are so many countries that aren’t on my list  to visit but are still wonderful and well worth exploring. This way you can leave your destination in the hands of fate! Arriving somewhere with no plans or ideas about what you’re going to get up to is  very freeing I’m sure!

Mystery holidays are still kid friendly!  Of course this would depend on how ‘free and easy’ you  parent your kids, and how your kids would react to be taken to a mysterious  destination… but most  kids tend to love a surprise and an adventure! Of course you need to make sure you book somewhere with the right sleeping configuration and that caters for kids but imagine how excited your kids would be!

A great way to explore as a solo traveller. As someone who really likes going on holiday on my own (like my trip to Israel)  I think this would be a great way to push yourself out of your comfort zone and ensure you get chatting to new people whilst you’re out there!

Hopefully this post has given you some food for thought when you’re thinking about planning your next holiday, and perhaps now you’ll consider booking a mystery trip away! Let me know if you’ve ever done something like this before!


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